dota2 tournament day 2 stream
18 Aug 2011, 08:51
starts in 10mins (10 CET)
starts in 10mins (10 CET)
You have two teams, starting in opposing corners (top right, bottom left).
Each team has 5 heroes, these are the characters played by individuals.
Each hero will have different abilities.
Each side of the map has 3 lanes, that join with the other side of the map's 3 lanes (Read: There are 3 lanes, from bottom left to top right).
Players get money for killing creeps (the little NPCs) and much more for killing other players.
With money earnt you can buy items, that boost your character.
Each lane have towers at set points, you try and kill the other team's towers and push into their base, and then try and destroy that, by destroying the middle structure there.
game is 5v5 and each team has a base, one bottom left other at top right
there are 3 lanes leading to each base, one through the middle, one along the top like an r the other along the bottom like J, each team has 2 towers per lane before the half way point of the lane, then there is a river, then it crosses into the enemies territory
minimap @ bottom left
green dots in lanes being towers, red dots enemy towers, 3 dots together in bases = towers+the barracks it defends
every 30seconds random cpu controlled units get sent out from each base along each lane just to help players push/fight, and players kill them for money and XP, at the end of each lane are 2 barracks, one for ranged and one for melee cpu units, killing an enemies barracks will make your teams cpu units stronger
there are about 40/50 different heroes in the game atm, each with 4 different skills, you take 5 that go well together, and play to destroy the towers of enemy lanes and ultimately destroy the enemy base
Listen to this and everything will be clear as crystal water
showed off some of the cooler heroes and was action-packed rather than 90min chinese farmfest
but magina looks sooo awesome :D
Mirana is Valk?
yea mirana is potm aka valk
mirana is valk
This music inbetween games is intense :D