DotA 2, will you buy it?

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after I saw few tourney games on stream (which lagged like fuck and pauses 24/7), I felt a huge let down and thought, fuck that shit. (even considering its beta or what the fuck ever)

HoN all the way bitches.

cba explaining why i dont like it, maybe because the gameplay for me seems slow and thouse trees are fucking retarded.

need opinions from fellow mates from HoN:

[flag=south nigger battalion] anime linux nerd progamer club perfo and co
Belgium applesauce, the LoL nerd (pretends to play LoL, secretly playing and loving HoN)
Germany carlito, predi and other hitlers
Sweden ferus (well fuck yeah he wont respond anyway, nerding hon with over 4k games played)
Estonia STOUDA aka marcobrolo

oh, and LoL nerds can go suck off Belgium mAus' dick , faggots
HoN / LoL / Dota2 all sucks, fuck those games and play REAL games like ET
LoL > Hon + DotA2 np
LoL is too noobfriendly, thats why people prefer it
How's HoN doing on IEM?
So by this logic, HALO + COD BOPS on consoles is >>>>> ET, Q3/QL and other skillful games only because it has a lot of money and peasants playing them :)
Dont know much bout consoles + you cant compare console games to computer games. You still need skill in both type of games.
But pretty much thats the logic. There's probably a reason where there are more players in a certain game, also i think you'd more likely play a game that has a bigger competitive scene and bigger prizepools.
Peasants or not, the game is more popular for a reason.
i guess you consider pop as best music as well?
Idd, K-pop and J-pop are the best.
Also, i never said it's the best game, i said it's more popular which is not the same as "best gameplay"
w/e i just cant stand ppl using argument "this is more popular so it has to be better"
more players/more popular = higher chance of that game being better.
Also i'm not saying that the game is better because it has more players, i played both games and LoL was better and more fun to play.
I don't care about HoN either, but im sure DoTA2 will be far more succesful than HoN, i don't know about LoL tho, because its rubbish gameplay, people might like it more.
Real rubbish, just one of the most played games right now ;)
its fucking shit gtfo
Not as shit as HoN LOL
You should still remember that LoL owes everything to DoTA so you shouldnt look too much down to it.
I never said anything about DotA
Brink > all
dont forget to shoutout ur real community!
I will try beta, but don't have an urge to play it at all.

Also if it will cost like 50$ I won't buy it. For 30$ or "f2p" i might play it.
i think it was gonna be like 60$ even, or 50
Ermm i might buy it, kinda like it
wish i played dota back in the days
whats ferus acc?

will def buy it, the lags are because of 1,5million++ viewers not the game, its not beta its fucking prealpha or something so dnt cry~

sick chinese crashin em streams
Deffo you need to trust the Icefrog, and you have to remember its still in beta.
its dota with some new features.
can honestly not rly tell why you would not at least be interested.
you need some hands-on time with those games to get used to interface/gfx/feel/...
I'll play the beta and decide then. I like the look so far. :D
i'll buy it

looks nice, some heroes look better, some look worse + there's one i want to play (not 100 new agi carries every week like s2 introduced heroes) the more i watch it the more i like it and want to play it

lags etc were mostly stream issues though there's a couple with the game, but its still closed beta, very few people have been testing it so it's working amazingly well for that, will only get better

trees are nice, its nice that not every tree is the same one just copy pasta'd, looks more like a real forest
can hardly imagine juking in thouse trees with these big ass heroes
juking is 100% equal to dota, thats pretty much the point of the whole thing bro
well you have to remember that you're watching from a spectators point of view, where you can see everything

things might be a lot harder to see when you dont actually have such vision of everything, size of the hero is pretty irrelevant :D
Gonna buy it.
I will buy it, but still play HoN, basically, cause im fucking loaded. g5.
definitly gonna buy it, awesome game, really good models (apart from Weaver) and some good skill animations (love AA's ult :)).
looks a lot better than hon to me.. kind of tired of this rainbow rampage, rhapsody colour bullshit.. also s2 doesnt know how to balance at all nor how to create heroes, only released shit originals apart from chipper, gauntlet and puppet. also q times will be over 9000 once dota2 goes openbeta/retail since most will move over.

im gonna buy it for sure.. (if the open beta is not totally fucked up)who cares if its gonna be 20$ or 60$.. youll get way more out of it than in any other genre. ppl are saying this is not even beta, might be true but the game still looks pretty seksy to me even if it would be very close to retail.

does anyone remember hon beta? D:DD:d

the trees are great btw. stfu dunz

only thing i dislike is the minimap, the style is great but you cant see shit. pretty sure they gonna fix it though. hopefully there will be custom maps)
->trust the frog.
Has anyone really been far even as decided to use even go want to do look more like?
The problem with HoN is they keep adding their own overpowered heroes that you pretty much have to pick to win. I wouldn't really mind except every game I see ew/sillywet and a bunch of other zzzzzzzzzzzzzz right click heroes.
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