Cycling again!


You may remember my journal about cycling 240km ( if not: )!

I was lazy to post the story but here it is!

Well I failed hard :D. So I thought I can do it in 6hours. I was in time until I arrived to Hungary Budapest. So I was at Astoria when I took a little break, eating, checking my route again on the map etc, it took me about 20minutes overall. When I crossed the Danube I checked the map again because I wasn't sure where to go, I got lost about 2 times at Buda :D. It costed me like 1 hour to find the right way. So I finally found Highway 1. When I arrived to an offshoot at Hungary Bicske when I met with a girl and an older buddy, they were Slovak heading to Budapest. They told me it would be faster to go across Hungary Bicske and Hungary Csákvár to get to Hungary Oroszlány instead of following Highway 1 until Hungary Tatabánya. So I took their advice. When I past Hungary Bicske I took a little break again because I was running out of water and I was exhausted like fuck. When I sat back on my cycle I hear something strange but I was like nvm let's go, after a minute or two I look on my back gear-changer I was like WTF it was missing :D:D:D, well not the whole stuff but most of it :D. I didn't know what to do, but then I asked myself? What If I take off the rest of the gearchanger ? I still can wriggle, but can't change gears, also the chain will hang but NVM. So I started pulling the rest of the gear changer as hard as I could when the chain itself breaks away XD. I throw the useless stuff away, I stopped a car and I ask the guy which way is the faster to get to Hungary Oroszlány?! He said I should go back to Highway 1 until I arrive to Hungary Tatabánya. So I did this way. (btw I was at the 100th kilometer already) I started walking with all my stuff on the back, I walked 3 hours when my GF called me where I was, I said I am arriving to Tatabánya, but my bike broke down. She told me to go the trainstation to Hungary Szár, I walked another 30 minutes to find it. I got on the train with the bike. I arrived there around 7pm, so it took me 12 hours to get there!

Anyway I just wanted to tell you I finally repraired my bycicle so I can ride again!
Gonna do some km's in the evening!

Take backup bike with you in case this one brakes down again.
ááááááááááááááááááááááááááá máááááááááááááááán
gay/dope/ activity
Should invest in a chain breaker and take some spare links with you -,-
i wish you better luck for next time :)
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