Gamescom '11: Millenium vs ALTERNATE Report

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GamesCom 11' has begun!

Millenium and Team Alternate took center stage as the first match. Like any offline event, delays happen and this time Alternate arrived late at the event. It was 11:10 +1CEST and the game finally went live with team Alternate getting first ban.

Millenium Bans: Nidalee Gangplank Anivia
Alternate Bans : Amumu Orianna Nocturne

Millenium Picks: Lee Sin Annie ,Irelia Caitlyn, Taric
Alternate Picks: Soraka, Vayne Lux, Olaf Udyr


Top Irelia (Soaz) vs Udyr (Timson)

Mid Annie (Linak) vs Lux (Forellen)

Bot Taric (Kujaa), Caitlyn (Tidus) vs Vayne (CedeoCedeo), Soraka (Lycades)

Jungle Lee Sin (Shlaya) vs Olaf (unso)

Early game

Millenium tried first blood on bottom lane but Annie appeared too soon. Irelia was up against Udyr with both players harassing each other and farming as well. Lee Sin tried an early gank but Udyr used flash to escape. Taking advantage of Udyr using his Flash, Irelia engaged Udyr and used her Ignite but to her frustation Udyr survived with very low hp. Irelia out-farmed Udyr in laning phase.

Annie vs Lux on the mid went normally with both players farming alot and not harrassing too much. Annie took first blood with the help of Taric, 5 minutes after the game started. 2 minutes after the first blood Lee Sin and Annie tried a gank but Olaf and around, the 2v2 situation went in favour of Alternate with Olaf scoring a double kill but Lux died. Alternate took first Dragon at 13.10 after they tried to gank bottom lane.

The combination of Taric and Caitlyn crushed Soraka and Vayne, the pressure both players were doing was overwhelming with Caitlyn out-farming Vayne with ease making them lose their tower at 13.30.

Mid game

After losing bottom turret, Alternate tried defending their middle turret with no success, Millenium stayed together and decided not to dive Alternate.The first teamfight took place near dragon with Millenium killing Olaf and Vayne escaped with 23hp left, the rest of the team backed down realizing it was a lost fight and Millenium took the 2nd Dragon.Capitalizing a massive wave of minions, Millenium pushed top and sneaked through Alternate jungle catching Vayne out of position and Lee Sin taking the kill for Millenium.

Going back to top lane, both teams engaged under Alternate's turret but once again the teamfight went in favour of Millenium with an amazing teamplay.On 23:30 minute the gold preponderance is really big, Millenium has 32k gold while Alternate has only 24k and this diferrence is starting to show with Millenium pushing bot lane, taking the second turret and putting the pressure on Alternate.Millenium grabbed their second dragon at 25.45 and decided to push mid, taking the second turret, two kills and the third turret after a short teamfight with just one death for Millenium.Backing down and taking their time, Millenium cleaned Alternate's jungle and went home to buy those big items.

Late game

Continuing their momentum, Millenium pushed mid lane taking the inibitor while Alternate couldn't do anything but watch. But Millenium didn't stop, they also took top turret, inhibitor and after that they tried bottom lane. But Irelia had different plans, she flashed over the wall and engaged the whole team as her teammates flashed aswell and took 3 members of Alternate making the rest fall back. This resulted in Millenium crushing the enemy nexus.
Millenium won the first game of the day! GG to both teams !

Alternate setup doesent even make any sense???

Why would anyone play Vayne soraka??

and Alternate didnt have any chances in that game

ban? why ban?

explain please.
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