Gamescom '11: TSM vs myR report

image: IEMGamescom_1313667006
TSM Bans: Ashe Nidalee Gangplank
myR Bans: Orianna Fiddlesticks Nocturne

TSM Picks: Udyr Brand, Alistar Tristana, Lee Sin
myR Picks: Amumu, Irelia Caitlyn, Sona Annie


Top Udyr (TheRainMan) vs Irelia (Syex)

Mid Brand (Reginald) vs Annie (Bralnquiche)

Bot Alistar (Xspecial), Tristana (Chaoxx) vs Janna (biggy), Caitlyn (Carberus)

Jungle Lee Sin (The0dd0ne) vs Amumu (MerusMePro)

Early game

Right at the beginning the game started to get intense. After protecting their blue buff for only a short time, TSM decided to do a level 1 jungle invasion.
At 1:00, they were heading towards myR´s Blue Buff by using a sneaky path through their jungle to make sure they didn't get caught, whereas myR stayed at their mid tower and played safe.
Right when the blue buff spawned (1:55) TSm was heading towards myR. This early fight resulted in first blood for TSM Reginald (Brand) and a Blue Buff for Lee Sin (TheOddOne).
At 4:40, Lee Sin attempted a top gank. But due to early warding he had to retreat. At 5:03 Lee Sin invaded myR´s jungle and smited the bigger wraith, resulting in a fight with Amumu.
This fight went on for about 45 second as Brand (TSM) and Annie (myR) joined which resulted in Amumu getting killed by Brand at 6:00.
After this, Amumu tried to get off a ninja gank at bot line (7:45), but he didn´t manage to get a kill due to TSM´s clairvoyance. At 8:48 Lee Sin invaded myR´s jungle again. He managed to kill Amumu and steal the Blue Buff.
Meanwhile, Alistar and Tristana killed Caitlyn on Bot Lane. Amumu and Caitlyn getting killed caused a free early Dragon for TSM at 9:23. At the 10-minute mark, Udyr started to invade the jungle by trying to steal the Red Buff, but he got caught by Amumu, Annie and Irelia which killed him.
After doing some skirmish at mid lane and the lower river, Brand got killed by Irelia in mid lane at 10:48.
30 Seconds later, Lee sin attempted to steal myR´s Red Buff, but he got once again caught by Amumu and Irelia. This didn´t result in a kill as Lee Sin managed to get away. At 11:50 Alistar tried to dive Caitlyn Bot Lane with the help of Tristana. Caitlyn managed to survive by using her flash.
After Lee Sin´s Bot gank at 14:00, TSM destroyed the first bottom tower, although they weren´t able to pick up a kill.
Only 10 seconds later, TSM attempted to steal myR´s Blue Buff, but as both teams were present, a team clash broke out, which resulted in Alistar and Lee Sin getting killed.
At 15:18 Brand and Tristana got picked off by myR at Mid Lane.

Mid game

Alistar put a CV on dragon and sees that it's clear. TSM heads towards dragon and at 16:30 they start dragon. But they were forced to stop it by myR. A bit later, at 17:14, they did dragon with the whole team. Afterwards they push mid tower all together, resulting in a tower kill. They put one more ward at their blue buff and on top lane they tried to gank irelia with alistar , but irelia flashed. They start doing baron (even though it's warded), and myR tried to stop them, resulting in a kill on irelia.
What follows is a team fight on top lane. Brand took down annie and now they shut down top tower as well. TSM is dominating the game at this point, with a difference in their goldstash of 7k. Brand is able to finish his rabadon's and is a dangerous nuker at this time. Alistar takes out enemy wards and they keep up the pressure. MyR can't react, they just try to defend towers and are waiting for baron to spawn.
22:30: TSM ganks mid, getting ammumu, and right away going for barron. Without their tank alive, myR can't react. Unfortunately enough, they start a teamfight at baron. TSM wins the team fight at baron, with chaox picking up a double kill there.
24:00: TSM is pushing their lanes, clearing the jungles and going directly for dragon. They end up in a team fight, which once again results in a win for TSM.
25:24: 2nd top tower goes down as well. At this point, TSM is dominating the game so hard that the difference between gold contains 10K !

Late game

27:40: TSM going for baron and myR try to force them to stop it once again. There is a final team fight at baron and TSM won it.
28:40: After picking up baron, they start pushing mid, take down 2nd tower and going into myR's base. They take the next tower mid inhibitor at 29:00. Whilst taking the left tower and going for the 2nd inhibitor , TSM dives into a fight. But the nexus towers do insane damage which results in alistar and tristana being killed. TSM has to back off and wait until everyone is back alive. They're now going for the final push. They manage to take out the 3rd inhibitor, going straight for the nexus towers and end up killing myR. This is game, this is gg.
TSM won their first match against myR. Congratulations to both teams !
tbh its too much to read:DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD
thought u were a german ROFL
I not even would read that for 10 euro.
warum ist banane krum?
wegen der anziehungskraft + weil sie nach oben wächst..
streber -.-
pls dont spam LoL stuff, edit original journal.

Is this shit LoL?
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