RazZaHs Random Journal

sup guise ?

Todai im gonna make a Schneejournaltypejournal ;)

Today i moved back from my universitycity (Germany Bamberg) back home (Germany Bad Gandersheim). Wrote my last exam on tuesday and then my sister visited me and it were really nice 2 days with awesome weather !! (~33 °C). She wanted to make me a gift and bought me a brandnew iphone4 ;D
Right now im back on my good old desk :') and i have enough time to focus on my ET career :') [gunna write sume naiz article soon with analyze etc ;PP]

questions of the day:
1) Which free iphone apps are the bestest the one who finds the troll in my englishskills can keep it for himself
2) What would you do if you were invisble for 1 week?
3) Justin Bieber or Tokio Hotel ? (have to chose one!)

image: rxqe96b4 and image: b9uul
image: vwhtd2fn

Shoutout to: LNM-crew, KG TS, Queens/Supski TS, Goku cuz he was mad last time, Le Francis because he makes the 2nd best journals after me, and finally to all my randomchickjournal-followers :-)
1) iphone is overprized shit anyways
1.1) bestest
2) pee on people
3) or
well played
I'm just 2dope for this.
look closer on my journal and find the troll ;P
you mean that stuff hidden in the questionmark or what?
1) thats not a troll
2) too obvious to be unseen
3) gives you a -3
4) 1 : -2 for me
2) i would go to sweden and shower with the national girl beachvolleyball team and go on 1 week trip to ibiza with them ;F
1) Android for iPhone
2) Go into ladies restroom ofc
3) I would kill both
I won't answer to your questions just because of the third question :`)
1. Something that will make it crash and burn
2. Make a sexy profile facebook picture in the mirror
3. How could you ask such a thing?
its a win win situation for the journalmaker (ME), because i can laugh :D
2) id go to Paris and nearly beat a Pantomime to death and the peoplewho stand around him would freak totally out, because he just made his best performance evaaa
2) i would rape every girls i see
Nerd busted.

WP RazZaH, we have a winner!
1) dont know
2) i would go into the ladies restroom and sleep with some bitches
3) justin bieber
3) Tokio Hotel. Atleast they have 1 'good' song
if my sister wanted to piss me she would buy me iPhone
1. no idea
2. i would probably steal lots of things, and talk to people when they are alone, so they think they are crazy.
3. bieber
reply to my comment above nigger.
copyright by kamz
:D:D stop posting this

[...] i wanted to see the reaction first !!
1. there some balancegame, dunno name - but cant stop it
2. scare some assholes
3. Tokio (must be nice city)
nice sis
am i invinicble with all the abilities i have when im visible?
1. all apple stuff is evil
2. dunno, would be spontaneous
3. jb, one dude looking like a chick is enough
These kinda journals make me sick :) I was sure that i wouldnt have to add anyone else than that german bitch into my ignorelist ;_; plz stop this madness

QuoteLe Francis because he makes the 2nd best journals after me

Seriously are you that fucked up? This is it Razzah m8, we cant no longer communicate on zeh internets.
not Sure if Ur on drugs or smth but the Mana i Know wouldnt Write such crap...

U should Know me better that u dont have to judge me by one single Journal . I Write this One because i wanted to ask for some Apps. I didnt just want to write One question so i did it in this Way. And the shoutout to Francis is because He is a nice Guy tbh.

Don't make the mistake by judging People by their Journals ...
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