japan is amazing


also, bring back 6on6!
Japan sucks like hell!
the text at my written english exam today was about fucking japan
As if miniature-red-flag-with-a-white-cross-land is any better.

image: Toradora1
Well they pretty much have the strongest currency in the world right now.
u suck, zottelkopf!
didnt get it :x
No wonder Waki loves Japan/pro cooking so much...
lol nice:DD
lol epic :D
how useful is this?!
I-robot 2 !
Since Nissan its from Japan, everything is cool
no more frustrating dog poo cleaning ops.
im not getting it. the platform of that thing isnt even somewhat level with the surface.
where is my god now?
that's exactly how my poo looked this morning :/
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