regain a @uakenet chan!


is there any legal possibility to regain a channel on quakenet? there is just one old member from us idleing..for 300 days already..he will not come back..just his bnc is there -> he cant give op to us/me...

thanks for advises
your chanlev has to be the highest, but since you don't have even an ao... dunno :P
/msg r requestop #channel
hack it
if he doesn't got op you could try msg R REQUESTOP #channelname
300day uptime bnc with auth? doubt it , do what kamz said
[02:00::29] -R- There are ops on channel '#xxxxxxxx'. This command can only be used if there are no ops.
should be a reply to kamz and stuff ;D
op doesn't help you with anything and if your chan privileges aren't the highest atm (eg. someone have +m, you have only +o), you can't use the only one useful command - requestowner.
Quakenet rules states it's impossible. Maybe ask the guy who hosts the BNC to shut it down?
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