hello me

hey.. its me Al7 :) xxo

im currently lying on my bed with chrome zoomed in alot cause i cannot into see anything from approx. 2m away from my screen :P suck to be me, i need new eyes :) one day i will find new eyes & science will save my eyesight ^^

anyway.. ive just seen pirates of the caribbean 4 & i must say: i am disappointed ^^ it broke my heart seeing this film had nothing to offer... i cannot believe the writers ruined it with this kind of a "story" if you can call it a story

zZz nothing cool happened, atleast the first three films had keira knightley who couldve saved this fourth movie, if only she starred in it :P

ruined 2 hours of my night & 5 minutes writing this journal

tl;dr version: do not watch the fourth pirates film unless you have absolutely nothing to do
Oh I don't know what to say man. You know it's coming now. I have to go shit now !
Well, I watched this movie today and Kung Fu Panda 2. I must say it isn't that bad actually, Jack Sparrow style can make the movie funny :D Atleast i enjoyed it, more than the last one.. i felt asleep watching the last one, eventhough i can't remember anything from last one right now xD
the third one was better :P more action + keira/will/jack were a good combo
Looking forward to another cool movie btw! Any suggestions? I don't feel like watching Lord of the Ring 2... so any good suggestion is welcome (plx.. no romantic shit or comedy)
last movies ive watched are limitless & bad teacher, youve prolly watched em already so i cant help you
haven't seen bad teacher... what is it about? (please don't say it is about a bad teacher mr obvious)
nah dont watch it, gay piece of shit movie :P
alright then :D

i still have 3 to watch... Lord of the rings 2 and 3, and Hangover 1 xD
bestest is to go for Lord of the Rings marathon.
i see.. but they are sooo long :f
but so epic. One night and you'll be done!
took me almost 5 hours to watch the first one :D fell asleep in the middle of the movie lul :DD
going to bed now xo
haha :DDD
haha :DDDD
haha :DDDDD
goku de ..... spammer
Ik spam niet eens :(
There was no real combo there :\
Keira knightley IS NOT THAT HOT!!
of course not :P but on some of her pictures she's wery beautiful
She has something, that makes her so..
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