Pukkelpop tragedy


4 people dead* :(

Was in the boiler tent at the moment it happened ( Netsky ). Everyone was enjoying teh music when suddenly we felt rain on our skins, and we saw the outside tent had collapsed. So did "The Chateau" and some trees ( etc ). Went back to the camping as fast as I could, everything underwater ( tent was dry from the inside tho ). Packed everything as quickly as I could, had to walk 10 km's to the nearest trainstation and was able to catch a train to Bruges ( 1 hour driving from my hometown ) just in time.
Quite the chaos over there, traffic stopped, everyone trying to pack their stuff together, some tents simply drowned, people sitting around on the streets trying to call their parents or sth (altho most of the time we were unable to because the network just became overpopulated ). I had luck that I managed to get away, since tons of people stayed at Kiewit, had to sleep somewhere else, prolly loads of their stuff got stolen, loads is damaged. Luckily the paramedics, police, fire department etc were present quickly, respect.

This might not be appropriate giving the circumstances , but I'm quite pissed for not being able to see the Foo Fighters :(

So how was your day ? :

EDIT : 5 people*
how was my day? its hardly noon
it's apparently 5 people now, a tragedy indeed :(
still 4 fighting for their lives, my sister is working in the emergency room :)
Lucky Stijn is ok :)
Wiste zo snel dat da festival ging gedaan zijn dan? da ge direct alles hebt ingepakt en weggegaan?
was vrij duidelijk op de site zelf, bomen omgewaaid, tenten ingestort etc

op de camping stond ik tot boven mijn enkels in t water dus dat ging ook nie (ik woon in hasselt dus geen ramp)

DISASTER :D Kwas ergens rond 1:30 thuis, valt nog mee.
Ik bleef in feite toch maar 1 dag, dus 't zekere voor 't onzekere genomen :)
i had a ticket for today but when i woke up the festival had been cancelled, no Sub Focus, Nero or Bloody Beetroots today :C
ga lekker op je vinger zitten ofzo.

whats up, yo
was in boiler aswell, luckily.. so crazy man we were in the middle part of the tent and suddenly it was like if the roof came off, all the rain.. suddenly people start to push in our backs because people want to get in friend of mine got hit with a pole when club collapsed..

glad u got home safe
twas wel wicked in boiler tbh. Ik had geen idee wat dat er buiten gebeurde tot da 'k plots regen op me voelde. Kzie daar dan rechts die tent helemaal ingezakt, ik zo fkes van : JUST WTF GEBEURD ER IER...
ik heb van vrienden die niet op pukkelpop en mijn ouders verschillende waarschuwingen gekregen, maar had het nooit zo zwaar verwacht, echt nooit..
m'n pa flipte bijna, 't laatste wat ik nog kon sturen was dat ik in een tent stond, dusja :(
Luckily you're okay!
<3 got lucky
lang leve herexamens man. kmoest aan je denken!
<3 thinking about you
thx rick ^_^ everything is a-ok
i was in dance hall, was moving along with the wind pretty badly
there was a bit of panic, people from inside trying to get out & people from outside trying to get in

my tent got pretty much destroyed, filled with 10cm water, everything wet :<

but i'm alive :)
was in the toilets and shitting myself
Was @boiler, saw everything happen

dnb saves your life
Best Comment
my brother was in chateau. he is home now but i am still missing some friends
Glad you guys are ok :O
(url) [[url]www.youtube.be][/url]

a tent against your head and you wont be telling it afterwards :o
It's already pretty bad when property gets damaged or lost by heavy storms, but people dying is just beyond horrible. It seems surreal, especially so close to home.
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