iem LoL live

after polaks failed at score 7-2 for them because of diving under turret good match incoming

CLG vs SK Gaming, any predictions? :O
scrub game LoL!
clg could take it, if sk makes as much mistakes as they just did
i sort of hope, that sk is going to win, and clg wins vs fnatic afterwards ;)

would be nice too see, but i guess sk is going to take it, if they have a good pick!
casual game LoL!
Fx lost 2 times in a row :(
Oh god how poorly those guys play. Like DotA2 players are 10 better at least :D:D

Fucking stupid game that LoL
since you have no clue at ALL go fuck urself
Hahahah :D:D:D

Nerd got mad?

Sorry for telling the truth. I apologize
everyone hates you, what the * ur still doing here?
btw, very crazy dota2 games! oh wait. BORING
That oldschool trick wont work with me.

But still LoL is boring copy game of DotA, which requires no skill. Dont be mad now.
nah they just took the game and made it better ;)
LoL didnt touch DotA. They just took the basic idea of the gameplay.
and improved it x10
The idea of gameplay cannot be changed you dumbfuck belgian :D:D

There are still 3 lanes with creeps spawning with towers and raxes. And in the end there's a throne :D

God I love the cockiness of belgians, but I love it even more when they just fail so hard :D
you live in your own world srsly..
Face it. You just got pwned by 2 ppl. Go abck to your hole now.
i'll go abck to my lil hole, tell her i'll be there soon
Not only is there no denying or stuff like that, you don't lose any gold when you die ETC ETC, the game is too easy.

Sadly they are making hon as easy & retarded as lol.

Dota2 seems too slow, the games take ages.
Ignore this Infect Mausbro, he has shown how mentally challenged he is on numerous occasions.

While we are on the topic, avoid Hugthesub as well, he's the prime example of people that need to get shot in the face with blunt bullets.

In short : All the HoN-Scrubs are only jealous that their game is not good enough to receive the amount of prizemoney that LoL does, and jealousy turns into rage quite swiftly when they realize that nothing they do is ever going to change the fact that they chose the wrong game.

a guy at your "level" should be calm at these situations not be raging over something unnecessary .. thats just childish
yeh highskilled ppl dont have feelings are not allowed to rage

Didnt say that they are not allowed, but atleast try to be a bit mature ..
well if some1 is being a dickhead to you, you are going to be nice to them? im afraid not
even if you are being a dickhead to me , ill just try to be as polite as possible , especially when someone has a "image" , when people look up to him , .. they would be a little dissapointed if they just saw a post like that ..
i remember you, a couple of weeks/months back, stateing that you had no clue about moba's and that you liked LoL for it being f2p and easy to learn.
couple of weeks later and you feel like making statements about the respective skill of the games.
u96 was shit cause i can search med+/high in 2011.
I think the issue here is just you not comprehending that two games sharing the same genre does not mean that they are or should be copies of each other. There being some similiraties between the games does not imply this either.

People just don't seem to understand this, seeing that MOBA is such a new genre. That is also why comparing the genre to other more well-estabilished genres is so difficult. My previous analogy of Quake3 and ET was probably not obvious enough for you to comprehend, so how about Unreal Tournament and Quake3, or CoD4 promod and Counter-Strike?

Although it's probably optimistic to expect you to be able to relate to these either, seeing that you probably play none of these games.

TL;DR: Not all MOBA games are or will be copies of DotA (which, in turn, is a copy of Aeon of Strife) any more than any FPS game is a copy of Wolfenstein 3D. The genre is simply at such an early stage of its lifespan that there hasn't yet been a lot of room for variation (eg. LoL's dominion map is a step in a new direction for the genre), unlike FPS games, which have been around for like twenty years.
LoL nor HoN has ever denied that they copied DotA gameplay. Wtf you on about. you just wrote an entire column but you didnt manage to check some facts about how LoL was made etc.

come on, you cant be that stupid.
Look, having the same elements doesn't equal copying something. You just read an entire column and didn't understand a single bit of it.
QuoteLoL is boring copy game of DotA

QuoteLoL didnt touch DotA.

If you are too stupid to understand then just gtfo.
I'm not, what should i do?
the dictionary lacks a word for the degree of "wrong" displayed in your posts.
nice one :D
so if lol doesnt requires no skill why we cant see you for example on iem finals?
this whole hate by dota/hon players is so bullshit ;d
And btw. I didnt say that those DotA players are 10x better than Hon or LoL players.

It was some1 who actively plays both I think. Here on crossfre, cba to find who that was, but it was some British dude I think.

Anyways, after watching that stream a little, it's just true. Easy as that.
Brining in Wakizashi, can you fall even lower?
is it really the players from other moba's hating?
or is it LoL players being ignorant trying to compare that piece of noob friendly, f2p mass-community, leveling up bullshit game to the real deal?
minigolf is fun but you would not go up to tiger woods and say "ahh bullshit man, i can do that too", cause you simply cant.
"is it really the players from other moba's hating?"
fact: every moba thread has "LoL>HoN", every moba thread has "HoN>LoL", every moba thread has "DotA>HoN>LoL". EVERY.

"or is it LoL players being ignorant trying to compare that piece of noob friendly, f2p mass-community, leveling up bullshit game to the real deal?"

Leveling up and being noob friendly means introducing people into the game. Of course, elitists like you could never imagine that someone who has never touched a video game in his entire life and whose interest is piqued by the recent hype in e-Sports will actually have trouble understanding the game and what it is about. This article deals with shits like you and how they block e-Sports from going mainstream.
It is as simple as that: Instead of being matched against skilled people, you get matched against new people when you start the game, and gradually unlocking content means that you will have time to learn all aspects of the game slowly. I realize not everyone needs that, but guess what? It was fun. I don't give a shit whether it's good for a competitive scene, it's fun and that's what matters to me.

minigolf is fun but you would not go up to tiger woods and say "ahh bullshit man, i can do that too", cause you simply cant.
What does that have to do with anything? No really, WHAT DOES THAT HAVE TO DO WITH ANYTHING? I am trying to understand your point but it is completely oblivious to me, PLEASE elaborate on that.
why the fuck would i care for games being user friendly and easy to grasp?
thats the exact opposite of what i find appealing. call me an elitist if you want i cba to justify and/or elaborate.
and how can you not be able to understand what i meant with "minigolf"?
it means that you can have fun just playing a game on a WII console but it isnt like playing the sport and for that reason you would never call yourself better at it.
LoL is for scrubs, deal with it.

i dont have any words for your incredible simple one sided way of (can u even call it?) 'thinking'

comparing wii games to real sports is like blaimg a whale for not running 100m in below 10 secs

its sad to read that u obvioulsy consider (following ur minigolf analogy) hon/dota is reality for u while lol is fiction

yet again...
Quotecomparing wii games to real sports is like blaimg a whale for not running 100m in below 10 secs

wow that is just... wow.
i did not compare, i made an analogy. you used that word but judging by that you really dont know what it means. so stop flaming me for it when your own addition shows that you understodd the point i was trying to make.
also: how is minigolf "fiction"? it is as real as proper golf but the alternative for the lesser abled.
same goes for LoL.
image: dYXJl

And let's not mention the 3-4 digits HoN is lacking.

Explain why exactly golf would be the "not-scrub" sport and minigolf would be the "scrub" sport, and then look at Philosoraptor.
1600000/4 = 400000
5000000/365 = 13698

not even mentionning no1 saw the game before and it does not have a huge f2p playerbase.
Actually, wrong.

First, prizepot is something different than the actual money you receive.
Second, you are dividing by 365. We're talking about every week though -> 5000000 / 52 = 96153, WEEKLY.
Third, you're telling me no one saw the game before? That gives you every right to say it's better than other games!
Fourth, you just can't deal with the fact that LoL is more popular than HoN / DotA / DotA2. And I've already explained the reasons why it is, aside the fact you mention them every 2nd comment you write.
Games that are easier to grasp will attract more players making it harder for yourself to stand out and it speeds up the development of tactics and the meta which makes it harder for players to keep up and come up with new things to stay ahead of their opponents.

I get it, you are an elitist so you find it easier to gain skill & fame in games that have less active players.

Your comparisons to mini-golf and Wii-games are complete nonsense. You damn well know that LoL does now fit in those comparisons. Especially not when you consider LoL the real deal with all the money going around. Why would tiger woods bother playing in real for some crappy 4 digit prizes when there's millions to be made on Wii?

You want you're game to be the best but you're oblivious to the fact that the more popular game would be considered the 'better' game by many people. You keep tossing out that HoN and DotA are better games that are for the elite yet you do not give us any insights in why you actually think that.

Every post you make is actually HoN > LoL. Only because you know how to write proper English it appears to be having content. But hey, elitist love to spend as many fancy words to simple ideas just to more elite.
all that comming from an ET player.
i do get your point and i appreciate it but for me it could not be further from the truth.
i dont seek fame or money and i hate my games overrun by noobs and retards.
I dont play ET, though I don't really see why that matters. Why do you hate your games getting overrun by retards & noobs?

I also dislike players that intentionally disrupt the game but whenever I play with new players I try to make them comfortable and I see it as a challenge to learn them something and use them to my advantage(winning a game).
well ET kinda does matter cause we are all still here eventho it isnt even played at major events.
who cares about community size and prizepools when the game satisfies you?
we could not possibly have more journals about how ET is not noobfriendly enough to sustain itself and "not die".
well as a matter of fact i could not care less cause thats the way i like it.
I understand your points. However, I feel like the ability of a game to sustain itself is not blocking the 'elite' top of the game from having fun games at a good level. It will only mean that you'll have to prove yourself before you can keep playing at that level. Furthermore, the playerbase that it generates is only a positive thing for the top players.

I do notice that if you would start a new LoL account now you would have to play hundreds of games with relatively newer or lower-skilled players in order to reach your skill level again which can be experienced as boring and stupid but it's only to make sure that everyone is where he belongs. The elo-system is not being used to it's full potential either but in theory it only prevents higher skilled players from having to deal with new players (of course getting the occasional troll on the way, just like in ET) and allows more players to practice and compete.

I totally understand why you prefer games like HoN over games like LoL but I do not see it as a valid reason to call LoL a 'bad game' that is too easy.
It does require skill. Game is easier for casual gamers but at high lvl it takes loads of skill.
But that's nothing compared to dota and dota2
Tbh how can you even know when DOta2 laucnh is next year.

You have no fuckign clue
If it's a copy game then Dota takes no skill too.

Thanks for palying, gg, fuck off
I'm not backing this retard up but if you are saying that dota2 is boring to watch then you are very wrong
i watched it, i'm not wrong
ok anyway you cant discuss about that: DotA2 > HoN > LoL
It's an opinion.
mAus in angry mod :o)
:D :D :D :D :D
hope some russians gonna fuck you in the ass.
i have a wc3 key for ya if you want to start learning a real moba game before dota2 kicks off. pm me
Why would you need wc3 key to play DotA ? :D:D
what you want to have is a wc3+ft key so that as soon as he got pwnd in dota (which will happen as he is a LoL scrub) you can play mazing contest
Fx started pretty well but towerdiving mumu there didn't seem like the best idea
yeh + ashe's arrows :D:D:DD:
HoN nerds are jelly trololo
I guess playing this is fun just as WoW but why watch it eventhough it takes minimal skill?
they send out fucking beSt against flash, WHERE THE HELL IS BISU
Best' PvT is better than Bisu's - he even had a winning record vs Flash before his loss a few minutes ago!
i dont care, bisu is three times the player, look best already sweating his ass off before it even starts xd
flashuuuuh fighting!!!
lul no champagne but water :D
Flash wins everything np x] and gotta go to work soon, cant play sry.
btw you at home then?
ye lets play
CLG wont play easy mode this time
Wow, this isn't DOTA2.
I feel sorry for Candypanda, cant carry wicked

SK out.
want Ocelote internow NAO :D:D:D
Shit game full of casuals.
I guess there really isnt much denying the fact that these DoTA players have played much longer the game itself as well as together. Just look the skill difference in the beginning of ET, between pro RtCW players and ET players. No matter how much you love LoL its still a damn newschool game comparedd to DoTA and these players are true pros. Tbh I dont know the skill level of LoL players well and dont know how well the games scale with each other. But with almost 100% sure I could say that the dota players who are at Gamescon could do way better against top LoL teams in LoL than the LoL players against them in DoTA 2. (Though this is not always true cause there are cases where newschool teams/players have risen to the level of old players or exceeded them cause of fresh views - Like mAus in ET or Cypher/avek in Quake etcetc, but the fact that the there are more oldschoolers at top stays the same)
CLG playing rly well now
go TSM!!
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