The Dvorak transition - Day sixteen

(day 2, day 1, day 0)

And just when you thought I'd forgotten!

Three journals in I figured it would be pretty boring just to do a daily report of my typing speed, so I decided to cut down the update frequency a tad. I guess no one was particularly disappointed by the fact!

Anyways, it's now been two weeks since my last journal, which is a nice and round time, so I figured to write about my progress.

Only that there's not much to report. Two weeks ago my typing speed was 25 words per minute, which is 100 letters a minute, spaces included. It is now 53 words per minute, which is more than twice as fast. However, the speed gain rate seems to have lowered a bit. The first few days I could get a 10wpm improvement a day, and obviously if that had kept up, I would be at like 150wpm already, which is quite fast. This was to be expected, though.

Oh well, I guess I'll write up again on day thirty or so, which is another two weeks from now. Stay tuned!

PS: In the mean time, you can test your typing speed at eg. -- feel free to post your results in the comments for comparision.
Still, noone cares.
Fuck, I'm slow.
Please stop

Ruining my Friday
this twice as slow as your qwerty ;\
omg I'm slow! around 75 wpm all the time... I give up.
500 apm np
Seems you've wasted several hours typing (you're qwerty-typing was still faster). I'm not sure what wpm you're going for but you will definitely have to write a 500p book to even profit from it on short-term!
Who knows ;).

The typing speed alone is not what interests me in Dvorak, it's also more ergonomic. I especially notice this when using any qwerty keyboard nowadays (yeah, I still haven't forgotten how to do it :P), you just need to move your fingers around so much more on it than on Dvorak. I could assume this helps prevent joint pains and stuff in the long run, which are something nobody, I guess, would really want. My fingers and the forearm muscles that move them have felt so much more relaxed after starting with this layout.

Obviously I'm still a lot slower than on qwerty, but I'm sure I'm going to at least get close to my previous speed relatively soon. I've heard from other people that it really takes like a month or so to fully get used to it, and I've only typed on this for two weeks now. Still, the layout already feels natural, so maybe I'm just a swift learner or maybe they were talking about getting to speeds comparable to what they had on qwerty.

Anyway, I'll be sure to make a journal of it when I reach my qwerty speed, if I'm still going to be using Crossfire at that time :D. It took me over ten years of practise to reach that speed, after all.

E: Oh, and obviously I only had that speed on qwerty when copying text. I was a lot slower when creating text of my own, because I actually thought slower than wrote.
Yes, it must be good for your joints though I haven't faced the problem of pain in my fingers from typing ever. If you keep on going you might actually get to speeds faster than you're qwerty speeds which actually might be very helpful in jobs (idk how old you are) that require a lot of typing. Good luck ;)
all i remember is playing 1 game with u and u were fucking retarded
Your speed was: 12549wpm.
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