Last night I played ET with my beloved sennhhiser pc150 head set. It was dark, and I need some milk so I got up from my desk to turn right out of my room and I tripped over and not knowing that the cable was round my leg feel to the floor puting a huge amount of strain on the headset cable. Now I can only hear and not talk. Anything I can do??
some random flags Sweden Iceland
open the wire with a knife and re-solder any loose connection.
Never do that, those wires are about 1mm. and they wont work whit ducktape fixes.
U need to replace the wires, from the beginning. open sennheisers, replace the wire whit wire from ur old hs? or buy a shitty 2€ hs and take the wire out of them, need skill but i didit. (well im skilled)
That is the only thing I hate about the PC150 - the super extra long cable, which always gets tangled up in my chair :(
I just taped the wire of my PC150 to the table so i am sure that i wont break it! I did that with my last 2 headsets :(
i think u did more to ur pc150 than just taping it to the table
Adding a NSAD (nuclear sound amplification device) so you can hear footsteps on the other side of the map.
"nuclear sound amplification device"
1on1 rtcw? :D
imlearning for my exams
i have to study 2 but i dont wanna waste my time on that shit :(
I did that twice, cable around my leg and then walking away from my computer, 2times the cable was just broken and I had to buy new headset :/
lol, i was that stupid to walk out of my room with my headset on my head :O

he broke 2
Probably the cable which connects your microphone to the computer is broken.
lol, ur lucky, once i just let my hs fall from my desk to the floor and nothing worked anymore :< gg €8 hs !
ive done that too, just walking away with hs around your neck, not knowing u r wearing it. *snap*. :<.
format c:
wireless > *
Headset was op de grond gevallen word ik wakker KRAK :DDDD
hah.. some similar thing happened to me yesterday. i was sittin infront of my computer listening to some music. then i went eatin and after i got back only the right hand speaker was still workin. i solved this problem by buying a new sennheiser pc 160 instead of my old 150
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