PB problems

Ok , this is the deal , acid has a pb problem
He opens his ET , after some time his ET freezes and his pc crashes afterwards
anyone with a solution that worked for him ?
needs to be fixed by tonight.

I have the same problem, just connect with xfire or something
try an other cfg I had the same problem :x
Are you sure his pc crashes?
Because I have a freezing problem. ET and my entire computer freezes, everything stops. But if you wait about half a minute everything will continue.
i have what you have for about half a year now , but his pc freezes and goes down
mine goes blue screen =) (afther a 20 secs)
had it the last update too, only thing that worked was a new pb update
i start ET, no prob, i join serv, my sound crashes and it makes a weird sound, then my pc freezes, then my sounds makes an more faster sound, and then i can play again:) irri!
Like you said yourself, PB problems. PB sucks, live with it.
Start Menu -> Control Panel -> System -> Advanced Tab -> Startup & Recovery section -> Settings -> Under System startup turn automatically restart off.

When it crashes note the blue screen error. Alternativelly switch to Vista; it is supposed to be truly uncrashable because the drivers run in user mode and not in kernel mode. I have no clue if they driver developers actually stick to that tough.
Indeed. He has to download Windows Vista.
i have same problem :\

everyone who had freezing problem on last pb update they will also have it now.

spam evenbalance only they can help us...
gwn ff 20 sec w8ten gaat ie weer verder o_0
HAHA,I hope it wont be fixed till tonight... then you ll have to use a wildcard and acozz will play for Croatia (vs NED) :))
I asked pb'n'stuff dont think u can do something about...
thats what they replied on my ticket:

Note #2: Please delete the PB folder from the game installation, then run PBSetup and let it check for updates. Make sure you don't run PBSetup from inside the PB folder.

still doesnt work
another usefull tip! i coudnt expect more from it
What do u mean end of story? Can u still play ET?
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