Q3 CPM duel cup today!

Win a XSplit.com premium license (from xsplit) & Roccat Sato Mousepad (from me) for placing first in the cpmduel cups run by ethad and co! Signups close at 15:45 BST (check in time via irc) and starts at 16:00 BST.

Chat in #cpmduel on quakenet
Watch it live on http://levelupyourgame.net in 1280x720 45fps!

Registration and Rules: http://challonge.com/tournament/signup/keuo4ndrs8
How to install CPM: http://www.noobs-anonymous.net/posts/view/What-you-need-to-install-CPMA

note: this is the fast paced version of Q3: Promode, although it features familiar faces such as Noctis, Fazz and DDK from QuakeLive, and Lugia (LG nerd), HAL9000 and Nzro from "those fragmovies"
check out this timestamp and comeback from the last tournament (crappy quality vod, this tournament will be better):

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