help me crossfire

i'm having a tough discussion on ventrilo as a type this. You see, let's assume the world is indeed round - just like this O. THAT DOES FUCKING mean when i go to australia ( country with actually kangaroo's, not austria) I STAND UPSIDE down, RIGHT?! okay i will explain with this complicated drawing:


no fucking idea where australia is on that map but you get the idea.



Get some geographic skills
No, but this g5 donkey may help you.

image: saywhut
the earth is flat but stitched together so u wont be upside down but right way up just upside down to the people on the downside up? k?
that was so confusing it made so much sense, thanks bro ;)
what is the question ?
Quotelet's assume the world is indeed round

Hypothetical question, so don't worry about it ;)
if you turn around the world you would be on top again... :D
i can help u get banned tho
No you're standing upside down if you live in Netherlands
this is a clean community, dont talk about drugs.
this is a respectable country, dont diminish us.
learn what a radius is.
learn what a/the center of gravity is.
you are more upsidedown being ontop of the alps then you are surfing an australian beach.
logic is a bitch bro and so is perception.


do a barre lroll on plane and ur fine.
You're right.
considering there is no real up and down in the universe, ur always up when ur down and the other way round. tho some human brains cant get this .... but following ur logic, yes they are
Indeed you are right, that's exactly the way things are. Most crossies just haven't been to Australia and mumble something about perspective and gravity.
This. Most western people would faint in Austria because of all their blood flowing into their head.
Die Erde ist ein Scheibe
It's relative.

You have to change the way u are looking at things.......... In the univers there is no up and down. Meaning that looking at the earth the other way around is also correct ( south hemisphere on top ). It s all about gravity.
image: 2vhytn6

and for your info Australia is there :
image: australia-location-map
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