Dota2 Grand Finals

seen some big plays already, 2nd/3rd game kicking off now. tied at 1-1 so far.
shoucaster loosing his voice and sense :)

e: farmed spectre = no fun. 5-0 and only 10ck less than weaver (0-0 at that point) after only a few minutes. game has been decided quite early. still nice to watch
Who's Doombringer's counterpart in HoN?
Possibly Accursed?
that's abaddon, and doombringer is more of a carry
At first I thought he was Maliken, but he aint
You're right! Maybe Doom isnt in HoN?
then still he probably has some mixed up abilities from different heroes
Doombringer is just Doombringer...
couldnt make that out tbh... think there is none.
dont think its accursed cause he can be quite dangerous (as a dps) late game.

QuoteThe mighty Doom Bringer is a versatile and dangerous foe. His offensive spells are very damaging. LVL? Death allows him to pick off heroes at range, dealing extra damage against heroes of certain levels. The dreaded Doom is one of the most feared spells in the game, and with good reason. Not only does it deal massive Damage Over Time to its target, it also silences them completely for the duration. Although Doom Bringer is no pushover in physical combat, he lacks any dedicated fighting abilities. Instead, he uses Devour to take on the abilities of the creeps he ingests, and buffs his movement and attack speed with Scorched Earth. With his good income, strong damage spells, and the ability to effectively knock a single enemy hero out of a fight, Doom Bringer is a formidable opponent in any matchup.
so a mix of Soulstealer &?
hon doesnt have a hero taking on abilities of creeps it ingests.
same as hon doesnt have a day/night dependent hero.
the team gets a bonus if it's night (hellbourne) & vica versa

SS gets extra dmg for every soul he posesses by denieing or killing it

just look.. its not like SS, he doesnt get any dmg from eating creep, he just get extra gold + ability if there is one.
jeraziah lane very good against him and there is other heroes but they arent in hon

jeraziah (omniknight) normally has a slow aura instead of that passive in hon

also you can check dota heroes: batrider/ancient apparition/anti-mage, they all rape him 1v1 in lane tbh, (batrider not in dota2 yet)
pretty nice game so far :)
estonian captain of navi makes things happen
fuck yea man, him and artstyle best captain united
One thing about this game is sooo booring, if a team gets well ahead of the other before 15min mark, the whole game is usually set in stone already, the last 30min is just carefully grinding through the defense - what a waste of time for the spectator. Miracles do happen, but that's not too often imo from theese matches I've seen in this tournament.

TLDR: 16-6 score and you know who's going to win, but that'll still take another 30-50min.
There are shit loads of examples of come backs in Dota/HoN, players and teams always mess up big advantages the fact that you havent seen it much in the last few days is due to the fact these teams are playing for a million dollars. Most of the games where a best of 1 so teams played super safe. For example we have only seen Pudge once which is a super aggressive hero. When the game comes out with standard leagues and cups Im sure you will see a lot more creativity with lineups, tactics and picks.
hence I said from what I've seen in this tournament. But really, when you're at 18 kills versus 6 kills after ~20min, there isn't really that much the losing team can do to make up for that difference in gold if the teams are somewhat equally skilled, if they're not, the better side will just steamroll from the begin with.

PS. Is there a database available for view on Dota2 homepage? Would be fun to see all the items & heroes.
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