Diablo 2 - LoD

Who wants to play a lil?

Europe Ladder Softcore chars.

I'm going to be a summoner.
Botting only, sry
playing non ladder since 07 sorry
The last time I played that game was when I was 9 years old...which is like... year 2000! Time flies! Still remember the enormous lag with 56k modem + win98 PC with voodoo2 GFX accelrator! Cowruns <3

Ohh the nostalgy ~.~
ye it still makes fun!
would be actually fun to play it with some people again
can rush and give random items if you need
if you want to.
COW LEVEL !!!!!!!!!!!!!!
i think i have some random mf-bot light sorc & hammadin left in ladder.. so if u need a rush let me know.. or want to buy them for some fg.

else i only play non ladder pvp :(
meister, there was a ladderreset about a half - a year ago :)
ye i know.. i started making a light sorc & hammerdin to do botting with them (together in one game). after 1 month i got bored since all items were at normal prices again on d2jsp.. so i stopped ladder. Just hoped I would find in the first few weeks some awesome stuff and could sell it for the really high prices :P I also was at the top 1000 the first days of the new ladder (then i couldnt play for some days and dropped in the list :/ )

Earned some fg and now have 1 mf pala (enigma and all that random stuff) and 1 light sorc left... atleast i think so :S
-[ 16:13.15 ]- -( torchbot ): fader new torch: +3 to Barbarian Skill Levels, +14 to all Attributes, All Resistances +16
-[ 16:19.03 ]- -( torchbot ): fader new torch: +3 to Barbarian Skill Levels, +20 to all Attributes, All Resistances +16
-[ 16:25.11 ]- -( torchbot ): fader new torch: +3 to Barbarian Skill Levels, +16 to all Attributes, All Resistances +19
-[ 16:31.04 ]- -( torchbot ): fader new torch: +3 to Amazon Skill Levels, +17 to all Attributes, All Resistances +12
-[ 16:31.04 ]- -( torchbot ): fader new torch: +3 to Amazon Skill Levels, +17 to all Attributes, All Resistances +12
-[ 16:36.06 ]- -( vC-Lighter ): fader - Account: apal10 has 81% full stash!
-[ 16:46.43 ]- -( torchbot ): fader new torch: +3 to Barbarian Skill Levels, +14 to all Attributes, All Resistances +13
-[ 16:52.17 ]- -( vC-Lighter ): fader - Account: apal18 has 81% full stash!
-[ 16:52.19 ]- -( vC-Lighter ): Auto muling account: apal18...
-[ 16:56.51 ]- -( torchbot ): fader new torch: +3 to Druid Skills, +19 to all Attributes, All Resistances +15
-[ 17:02.35 ]- -( torchbot ): fader new torch: +3 to Assassin Skills, +13 to all Attributes, All Resistances +19
-[ 17:08.27 ]- -( torchbot ): fader new torch: +3 to Amazon Skill Levels, +18 to all Attributes, All Resistances +16
-[ 17:17.17 ]- -( torchbot ): fader new torch: +3 to Necromancer Skill Levels, +15 to all Attributes, All Resistances +20

-[ 17:56.01 ]- -( xbearx ): Unique Ring The Stone of Jordan (76)
-[ 17:56.01 ]- -( xbearx ): Required Level: 29
-[ 17:56.01 ]- -( xbearx ): +1 to All Skills
-[ 17:56.01 ]- -( xbearx ): Adds 1-12 lightning damage
-[ 17:56.01 ]- -( xbearx ): +20 to Mana
-[ 17:56.01 ]- -( xbearx ): Increase Maximum Mana 25%

-[ 18:13.51 ]- -( torchbot ): fader new torch: +3 to Druid Skills, +16 to all Attributes, All Resistances +13
-[ 18:21.22 ]- -( vC-Lighter ): Magic Sparking Grand Charm of Balance (86)
-[ 18:21.22 ]- -( vC-Lighter ): Required Level: 42
-[ 18:21.22 ]- -( vC-Lighter ): +1 to Lightning Skills (Sorceress Only)
-[ 18:21.22 ]- -( vC-Lighter ): +12% Faster Hit Recovery

assa 20/20 (old torch)
nec 20/20 (old torch)
pb skillers (all kind of skins) 35life-45 life
assa skillers (all kind of skins) 35life-45 life
20/20 anni's
perf arach


also, do you do botting in non ladder? if yes, want to make a big game with your botting chars and mine for higher drop rate? Can join with 2 perf mf light sorc & 2 perf mf-hammerdins. Can let the bots run 24/7 at home server
hab bugged gürtel need?:D
nah no need bugged stuff :S

und zu 99% isses eh in dube :P
isses nich hab den seit jahren ;d
nice... der is einiges wert :)
haha ich weis spiele aber schon lannnnnge nicht mehr
guys like you ruined the game like 3 years ago , hand in hand with itemshops ...
i started botting ~ 1 year ago? :P and my pickit list only includes some HIGH WTF SHIT (that never drops anyway) and the stuff i need for my own chars. So I don't rly pick up every rune & unique item and sell it.

besides that diablo 2 isn't about the normal items anymore.. that stopped 5 years ago.

the game is 10+ years old? everyone knows everything anyway.. its just about pvp, hardcore mode, playing without items or simply playing the game without trading and just using the items you find with your char. and i think 90% is pvp in which you need stuff that no item shop offers and that you won't find in 1000 years of legit playing as you already need 100 years with bots :P

i started playing ladder and it didnt take me more than 1 week to find all the stuff i needed for my light sorc / mf hammerdin.. cause its all the random same stuff that everyone needs for basic chars and that drops everywhere.

the guys that really destroyed the game were the ones who duped. It lagged the servers, crashed them and even worse: you traded stuff and it poofed. even the bug stuff wasn't that much of a problem... 90% of them were killable with a legit char anyway (as they were just too stupid / unexperienced to handle their char.. even with bugged stuff) or you had yourself a bugged char and quickly switched char to kill & nk them until they left the game :P btw private pvp games ftw <3
lagg duping never was a real treath really...
Pvp was never a part of my d2 carieer, i do know some stuff of course about those rare's as i was hunting them myself too. But botting is in no way torable , at least for me, i did fcking nerded on that shit too farm my BASIC stuff , tahts why those random ger kids annoyed me with their bots. anyway i was only chcing in the last few years ... but its dead ... dead-dead actually... There are some nice fellas on USEAST with chanter bots n stuff try them out will ya
are u kidding me? :P due to the duping diablo2 was unplayable for some months as all the servers were lagging like hell.

basic stuff rly isnt hard to farm.. as i said.. one week without any trading and u have a decent mf char (light sorc for example) with tal armor/amy/belt , shako, etc
i never ever had serious lagg problems on USEAST :P.
USEAST is not EUROPE :P never played on useast/west. but i think they have/had even more bugged items there than on europe (during the ITH-Item time) ? and alot of duped charms ?
oh u gari
Ill be happy to play :)
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