I-Net Help?!?!?!

I've got a Netgear wireless connection, router is in the other room [4 meters]
When I try to send files to the other computer, say 3MB, it takes about 2 minutes, when I used wires I could send a full movie by then prob.
When I play ET, besides getting a higher ping, I get huge packet loss, even when the other computer is turned off.

Is there any reason why this would happen, and is there a decent answer to overcome it?
[don't say shit like '/format , use wires' etc]

Got the same channel on the router and on your pc?
try making a .bat file with this line in it

yes, let's stop wireless zero so you can't use wireless at all =)
i'm using the .bat file atm, and i'm on wireless, it removed my lag ingame at least :)))))))))))
... and the walls!
im so sorry but i felt like someone had to make this joke
Burn the house and move to a large 1-room apartment.

If you have a clear line of sight to the router (no walls in between), do you get normal speed then?
you got packetloss while playing ET when your computer is turned off?

When the OTHER computer is turned off.
wireless is generally shitty and drops most of the time, unless your playing on 125mb connection (router to pc/laptop not int conn :P) it sucks. Stop hacking that might help as well
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