Help me out

So recently I've had this weird problem where I'd stop shooting as soon as I get in close range duel. I've already tried formatting and for some reason it started happening since I started using TZAC, however this makes no sense at all because tzac is simply a namechange. Also I don't got any problems at long distance shooting and when I just randomly empty my gun at a wall :\

Here is a demo with the problem, I hope someone is able to help me out.

much love


image: ppg2
What if you don't 'stop' shooting and just keep firing.

inb4 keep pressing mouse 1
hoe was school bruv x
post ur cfg aswell hombre ;)

Good luck with it

goodluck <3
do you stop shooting and you cannot jump or switch weapons as well?
help him out plz we need our team carrier
Also happeninng when you do not load TZAC? ( Otherwise you might wanna consult chaplja )
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of een remy
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