6on6 poll ?!?!?

Think it's about time a poll was made to conclude the community's will. Either 5on5 or 6on6. winner takes all : >
cf too scary the fact that 6on6 will win
I wont play 5on5 anymore i can tell you that. I couldnt give a flying fuck about some nerdfest 5on5 gayparty.

fuck you all, good night.
too low for 5on5?
lol, serious progamers mad now when u reached the top @ 5on5 :DD

faggot :D Go suck tosspot's dick and fuck krosan in the ass :DDDD

well i dont care if it goes 5on5 or 6on6 now i can play both on the level :))
but i prefer 5on5 more than 6on6 coz its more fun in my opinion.
But nice that u insult me instandly because ure shit in 5on5, face the truth and sit down punk
Yes i am low in 5on5 since my aim is shitty, i prefer 6on6 because of the more intense gameplay where you can actually win by brain and not by outaiming everyone.
thats ur opinion, i dont agree with it but fine
Try public servers, it is just like 6v6 from what I remember. :)
There was something on CB, I signed it! :D
poll = useless, 60% ppl here are kids/trolls (BAD ONES)
Yup, cf-polls aren't suitable for that. This has been explained so many times, especially with this 6on6 vs 5on5, don't understand why some people just don't get it.
I think the amount of trolls is quite small compared with the serious voters.. Nice excuse
Not talking just about the trolls. Go sign the petition at clanbase if you want to affect and keep playing 6on6 instead of whining here same things over and over again.
:D ?

lans/leagues are still 5v5 so there is a point in whining about the need for a change.
so you deleted my journal but not this ?
just because i'm hungarian ?
Been waiting for Toss to delete this. Yours went away just because of the increasing spam about the same topic.
Nothing is needed to do based on Poll, it can be done just to see what kind of results it does bring up
3on3 > *
TosspoT mad
what about 5v5 and everyteam has a 6th player to switch between the match. as in football :-}
6x6 will win anyway , madmins are just angered and dont want to create the poll itself
cf too scary the fact that 6on6 will win
Since when did polls represent the ET community. In fact polls only represent the Poll-voters community.
image: erika-prezerakou_pole-vault_03

Let me know when u get it
Asked for it 1 year ago, hasn't happened yet.
That could be because nobody takes any notice of what you fucking say.
this game is dead lulz.
Retards like you should just play the game instead of calling it dead :)
i'd have noone to play against since its dead l0l0l0l0l
The gameplay of 6on6 is MUCH better and MORE exiting for spectators!
what ovie said
Let's make it fair and use 5o6 format, no1 gets mad, end of discussion.
@ xPERiA and all ther others who say shit : are you actuallyl admin for CF and or CB ?
Think not, so please stop saying useless comments and wait the opening ( CB admin " me and more " are working on it actually ) of the ladder 6v6

and what about this match : http://clanbase.ggl.com/warinfo.php?wid=11038983 played, not played ? no news today at 23h and ill enter 0-0
So it's up to you admins to decide the faith of the community? Go fuck yourself.
Yes it is, its on our hands to decide and u will be surprised by the choice, now plz go wash ur mouth some shit a spitting around here
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