real drama :D

just having a great laugh when i see in 2011 (!) + in dead game like QL (!!!!!!!) so much drama about zeroQL cheating case :DDDDDDDDD

real nerds yo tune for u
couldnt care less
I've seen better aiming on LAN by other players, are they 100% sure?
sure thing bro
he already confessed using autoshoot
k thx duumed and walle bro
You reading all these comments about people discussing a busted cheater is something I can laugh about, dont you have other things to do? Like cheating in a dead game like ET ?
slac doesnt allow anymore to cheat
TZAC does though :{D
Does QL have promod yet otherwise this is not relevant to my interests.
I bought today viceroys 100s!
it was very cheap! 9.80 :D Same price like for normals.
Quote by zeroql
Hey, ok here is my statement...

Let me get something straight, before this 2v2 match i have never used a cheat...

Question is why did i use one now?

A friend of mine made an autoshoot script, wich works with rail.I got that script before the game vs krysa and spartie. I was so curious to see how it works so i tested it on my friends.
As you can see from the demos / vods, it only works with rail.

I told krysa and spartie that i used a cheat after our game, and apologized. (to krysa like 100 times)
2 days later my friend updated the script and i told bryant i wanted to test the new one i got. He agreed and we played...

after that i stopped.

Btw that jump on ztn when i jump from quad to stairs and look down... it speeds me up to the portal. I use that alot... you should try it...

I never used a wallhack or any other cheat exept this one, it was only out of curiosity.
So those were all the games i used the cheat in. I'll never attempt to use it in the future but my account is now banned anyway.

I have played quake for years, made movies, had fun with the game, enjoyed awesome shoutcasting of lvlup. I won many lans in Serbia and stuff, even at dreamhack summer you guys saw me playing ...

It's really a shame that because of this my team will die and we won't go to dreamhack winter or any other lan...

CSI.ql i really appreciate what you guys do, but this ban is not the way to go, i didn't use it in offcial matches or pickups...( like zhu, sombra,etc... ) this was only testing...

I apologized to ID software, 2k2 guys, metsu, krysa, spartie, and all of you guys who trusted me ...
guess with my curiosity i ruined my reputation

If you guys are willing to help me.... i would like to keep playing...
make a poll or something to unban my acount, i will really appricite it <3
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