Moviemaking Q.

Since my demo folder was 3GB big,I used Ultraviolet Mediamanager and got pretty much 4&5&6 man kills with panzer,arty,mp40,luger,flamethower(XD)...etc.
Anyway,I have the Moviemakers pack and using ag0n config.
So the question is.
Whats the best framarate to record?I see theres 30,60,90,200..
Which one is the best?If I want to make slowmotion effect somewhere,should it be atleast at 200?
p.s using IMAGE older version duo the stupid animation
If you use 90 , you can slow it down 3x : 90/3 = 30 to obtain a nice result
i use 60 because i dont use slowmotion that much and if i do i only slow it down 50%
that depends on the FPS your final movie is going to have. For example, if the final composition is 30FPS, you should propably record with 60/90/120 framerate, the more the better but the number of them should be 30fps times a whole number.

If the final composition is 50FPS, then you should record with 50/100/150... and so on. Easy as that
depending on your blur samples, you should get a value at around 3500. e.g. 64 blur samples x 60 fps = 3840. for slowmo just do what spankie said.

e: UK Flag everyhwere in this journal.
thought you didnt like helping out :p
look at my tutorials, ofc I like to help out :>
Quote QueenMcQueen on 19/08/11, 15:13:09 Del | Edit | Reply

because some people like to help other people out

2dope on 20/08/11, 10:26:05 PM | Report | Reply

who would be this dumb?

I was joking ofc :]

e: do you really think I was serious when saying that? :o
how could i tell if you were joking? ":D"
fraps 60fps ;P
i record with 100 fps, bcuz i will render the final project in 50fps
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