LoL: 5on5 match

Looking for some 'teams/mixes' to play against!

/q me

image: obama-girl
LoL not even in EMS

No money in LoL everyone is solid

dat girl

image: 131408510072
try hon :P
me likes dat chick
u can play vs edified gaming when we are on
I got back from 1050 to 1200 yesterday, thanks
oh, come on ;)
5on5 is dead, let's play 6on6 !
oh wait...
With who are u playing ?
omg obama omg
chick is nice
nice chick :)
nice chick :)
love all the nice chick comments, looks like a dude to me:D
no nidalee no win
I would play but got an exam on thursday huehuehue
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