This thing with "new" maps

Why do these oneday cup admins force these maps to be played??

QuoteFinal (ETTV)

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go on and play goldrush/supply forever
i play radar/goldrush/supply/bremen/adler/frostbite/delivery forever

What for we need erdenderburged & missile when we have healthy and big mappool
erdenberg > delivery
theres a reason they're the best and most played maps you know, these things dont just happen by chance
no man, here is the reason :DF, map becomes GREAT once u just force it to be played

14:26 <@gtv`Robert> miNd erdeberg is not played because not forced
14:26 <@gtv`Robert> simple as that
bremen isn't great, argument invalid
Bremen is great if you compare it to these two
bremen is amazing, definitely 3rd/4th best map ET has (the other being radar)

supply and grush arent forced either, people choose to play them!
so fucking true +111
stop whining about maps and just play it. arrogant nerds...
someone seems to be afraid
stfu wnb olba!

its just because of the random factor which is bigger in new maps since they are not played 24/7.

fucking nub go die in a cave
No reason to be afraid of anything, the thing is no matter how much u force these maps the same teams will still rape
thats because they are better. still it is interesting to watch, how a inferior team performs against a better team on a new map.

its just a ODC ..
Missile_b3 aint that bad, dont like Erdenberg tho
missile is the best map ET ever had
Because the old ones are getting duller and duller by the day?

This is the fucking problem with ET. People are moaning about how the game is becoming old, repetitive etc, yet moan when new stuff is being used etc.

Don't know why the admins bother.
missile would be a nice map for 6on6 format, but its too big for 5on5 imo.
that's why it's forced in 6on6 cup :)
Why no pirates and tounine? Both better then erdenberg and missile :/
they are not ready
Hey man dm6 is getting pretty fucking boring after 10+ years of play. So are dust2 and inferno. Don't get me started on mp_beach and mp_ice.
beach wasnt that overplayed - ice on the otherhand :(( every fucking war
My point wasn't necessarily overplayed - more that it was and has/d been a part of the mappool for a long period of time (and I think deservedly so!). :D
i want my warbell, best map ever
erdenberg is actually a good map, exciting till the last sec :)
stfu already and be happy that we even got 6v6 cups, if u are so pissed about maps why dont u make ur own "supply/gr/radar" only cups?
Im not unhappy about us having 6on6 cups, im unhappy that we gotta play these maps, cant be hard to understand it, i appreciate that ppl make cups and all

Quote"supply/gr/radar/adler/bremen/frost" only cups?

then make ur own "supply/gr/radar/adler/bremen/frost" only cups if u are unhappy about the maps, dont spread that same bullshit into every journal, nobody cares
Wonder what kind of cups we would be playing if ppl were like u, "make cup or stfu" lol.

Inb4 "dont play it then" / "noone forces u to play it!!!"
not gonna go into that but doesnt make sense to spread same "shit maps" bullshit into every 6v6 cup journal :/
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