ClanBase presents the EC/OC Fall 2011 Cup season

image: fall2009

Enemy Territory -

ET SW 5on5
ET SW 3on3
ET SW 2on2

WHY THE FUCK NO 6on6 YOU STUPID BOYS ... SRSLY .. just be 1 FUCKING TIME NICE and give the community what it want and thats



Think about it please.... THX!
u mad? :D
6on6 = more frags for you, so you better edit your post to a +1 >:|
Time for ESL to whore some players to their bestest site.

EDIT: Sign the petition for 6on6 and dont play at 5on5 Fall, is there any better way to affect? Enough with the whine.
WE WANT 6ON6 OR ELSE image: athens_riots
+1, 6on6 #1.
I posted it yesterday :(
4v4 all the way
kom ql, kheb goesting :d
Why doesn't CF & Admins make a 6o6 league?
need 5on5/6on6 bullshit filter adding to crossfire
But it doesn't? So shut up.
I think this is a repost of their earlier announcement rather than an active decision that was made today. I.E. I think you guys should calm down because I'm pretty sure you're going to get what you want.
is that why you made your previous lans 5v5 while most of community wanted 6v6?

get what we want?
Of our attendees that we asked, the majority were not against it. It was a decision taken with with our attendees.
I find it hard to believe that.. Most people who are at a lan will usually say that they are having fun etc but I don't believe that teams like dignitas and others who have been around for ages prefer playing 5v5 over 6v6..
I'm sure you can move on with your life now that you've got that off of your chest? Clearly its something you've been keeping in since CC7.
Don't be so offensive. Actually I don't even play ET anymore since a long time ;-). I just never stood behind the change and most of the community doesn't
Why should I not be offensive to you when you chose to be so to me?
for* a long time
I'd say, make a poll about it.

It's not only about teams attending lans btw, it also influences all leagues/ladders played online. They also switch to 5v5 cause you started to make your lan a 5v5.

Let the online&offline community decide in what format they want to play -> make a P O L L
Oh my god what rock have you been living under, that entire debate has been had over this site for the past 2 weeks. You just read my comment on this thread, what did it say??? What did it hint at?? Where do you think this is all going? Honestly man, if you're gonna try and flame an admin try harder.
Well yeah I don't come here that often idd. I'm sorry for that.

But the times I did come here I noticed that alot of people do not wanna play/prefer the 5v5 anymore so that's why I suggest you to make a poll and see what the community really wants.

Also I'm not trying to hate on admins. I've got alot of respect for the work you put into e-gaming etc. Especially when I saw/heard you on Eurosport ;D.
To answer your point regarding a poll, to give you an example, you say you're not active anymore but I'd guess with your activity on the site, you might vote in the poll? How does this give a fair reflection on the result if inactive people (myself included) can vote on their preference.

The better mode, which has already been done was to do the CB petition which I believe some 290 or so people signed in comparison to the last CB petition on the matter when about 9 people signed. That's how you show mass/following of your idea.
u mad ? :D
QuoteI think this is a repost of their earlier announcement rather than an active decision that was made today. I.E. I think you guys should calm down because I'm pretty sure you're going to get what you want.


5v5 ftw!
6o6 is so fuckin' boring stop it --'
When its 6on6 you will have something else to whine about again, cant believe that you guys dont realise that you always just want something changed, its NEVER good enough for you.
Stop using drugs
I did already, what I said is still true though. MG already got removed when it was still 6on6, now people are voting to get it back, when it's back it wont take long before some idiot comes up with the idea again to remove it, AGAIN, because he gets owned by it a little too often -.-

People are just bored of the game and want to change something to make it fun again, until they're bored of it, once again :P
I'm pretty sure community dont really care that much about that mg, im sure most of the people just wants 6o6 back, with mg or without it
90% of those people dont even know what they are talking about
to all the nerds that think 6on6 is saving et

wtf means "save" in your opinion? ... ET will be never active like at 2005 or 2006 ... but since 5on5 is out ive never had fun before like in 6on6 .... i said since 5on5 came out it suck and i still play the game ... to see 6on6 prolly comes back is just nice for me and as you can see for other people too...

idc about any mortar or MG shit ... idc if its allowed or not ... i allready played wars with mortar , mg and Panzer... so deal with it :-p ...

6on6 is just more fun for me and many other people ...
This "movement" are like the riots in England.
People forget the origin of the case which is keeping ET alive.
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