erdenberg_b3 spoiler

image: shot0000

looks good, :)
omg spoiler aag
Old, where's my credit sani bitch?
Old, where's my credit sani bitch?
hope it's going to be as fun as reactor :D)#
+ fucking tenthousand milion zillion.
Is an awesome map!

Ontopic; Nice to see you working to get it better, seems nice!
would be cooler if the window would be possible to get destroyed by stachle (grejt english)
spoiler #2
image: shot0001

Damn nice man, if you need a tester, pmme
3 ways to get to the same corridor. Not a good idea.
erdenberg new best map in ET ???
erdenberg is a fucking great map, used to play it every cb ladder matchs :P
this new one looks good since the first stage was fucking difficult to attack for allies
CANT WAIT@@@@@@@@@@@@@
ugly shiit.
keep b2 !
Oh god sani you still working on dat shit.
Ah, gonna be nice flag def with rifle
first stage is good 2nd stage of the map is crap.
Best map ever !
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