kinda funny

i remember back in 06 (last year i played ET) and now i am playing again, everyone that puts in a skill says, im skilled,decent skilled, sometimes skilled

like WTF does that mean i thought you were suppose to do

low skilled
med skilled
high skilled
and of course add the + and -'s to these
for the idiots med/+
doesn't count anymore

med skilled 2006 is now high, so basicly everyone says skilled
Decent is the new low-med.
low- low low+ med- and med are easily distinguishable

everything higher is med+ :XDD
fucking guido
i agree man ;]
low+ / no server (as in 2006 it was £20 per slot) / now / pm me
20 a slot, are you serious?
i wouldnt say that much but it was expensive to have a server
It was expensive. My friend got his dad to pay for his 12 slot for £28 per month.
damn that was quite a cost back then!
Yeah it was very expensive. But going by the hardware prices and the amount of companies available, people had to do it. People who had sponsorship or nice parents were the lucky ones. Now you can host an ET server on a standard net connection and 200mhz processor. Back in 2003-2006 the net connection of 512k in the UK was like 11kb upload and 80kb download. Which is suitable for 2 clients on the internet. I remember hosting a server on my comp with friends, oh the lag!

But yes, expensive it was!
yeh i guess back at time there was quite alot of problems with the lags issues due to not having good hosting servers, but watching the present time, like u said u can get a decent server hosting now by quite cheap price, even YCN services got extremely better apart from 1-2 years back at past.
Hosting one 14 slots server from their company and i cant complain on it at all, while 2 years back they had alot of lag spikes and so, which made the playing on that server impossible.

Well u can still find some quite expensive hosts nowadays but i guess the quality of the provided servers must be extremely good otherwise i don't think they would have any profit at all.
Some companies are just pure greedy though. I had my first and last server from YCN. They were reliable, and ET servers ran fine on them! But I guess their hardware isn't as good as IDNet, but it's fine for ET. I guess games which do more server side wouldn't run so smoothly.

YCN are a good company and great support. The guy who set up my CoD4 server even came and had a game with me on it for a few hours! Made sure it all ran fine and anything out of the ordinary was fixed by him whilst there! That's what I call support.

With internet packages of 100mb, and upload speeds reaching nearly that speed on some providers, hosting game servers on dedicated machines or external hosts will be a thing of the past.
Well i used to have one back at past from YCN, been bad quality so i swiched to and there had quite a while a good server without any lag spikes or anything else and wasn't even so expensive, would agree on some company's being really greedy and providing bad quality while having big prices so guess that kind of providers best to just avoid.
Can agree on support from YCN being really awesome, as their panel itself is user friendly and the installation process itself is fast as well, hope it will be good like that in future and yeh, with such a connection speed and better machines servers can be working really good these days.
Think mine was something like £16-£18 p/m :<
today's standards:

skilled = med/+
decent = med-/+
med = med
med+ = low+ - high
high = med-high
med+ in 3on3 is mostly med, rest I agree
Come back to ET, havent seen ya on nbs, else there is no competition. :(
lack of interest ;l playing quakelive these days.. plus the 25/30 spawntimes in nbs was a stupid change :(
most of the ppl claiming being "skilled" are nothing more than low+ tbh.
high+ here
High doesn't exist
yeah that because they would overrate themselves anyway and thus be flamed hard
Low+ here / sometimes skilled

image: images?q=tbn:ANd9GcRf683HzUYzKu6QknGUIAiIpGP0f7_z85pOTmmJZeeKfdTT4O2k
Welcome to crossfire , mid+/skilled only
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