need pc opinion #2

In my previous journal i suggested some prebuild pcs but in the end they were all overpriced, so i started my quest to build my own pc and have come up with the following

MSI P67A-G45 B3 iP67, SATA600 RAID, USB3.0

Intel Core i5 2500k 3.30GHz 6MB

Cooler Master Processor Koeler Hyper 212 Plus

Kingston 2x4GB, DDR3, PC10666, 1333MHz

2x Gigabyte Videokaart PCI-e Radeon HD6850 1GB 2xDVI/HDMI/DP
2x €137.90
(crossfire bridge included)

Western Digital Harddisk 3.5" 1TB, SATA300, WD10EARS


Corsair CMPSU-650HX

Antec Two Hundred V2 Gaming Case

Total Price = €875.96

So can anyone tell me if:
- this setup is any decent
- the price is any good
- these components are compatible
Thnx in advance :)
They will be old parts in few months, always over-priced since some place sells them cheaper / has a better model at the same price and you will always find people saying it is shit and their PCs are better.

If you got the money, buy it, it is good.
yea kinda figured it while i was posting so was more hoping if anyone could at least tell me if its compatible xD and if it is im gonna order it ;)
Intel Core i5 2500k 3.30GHz 6MB
could be that this one is from another copy paste thingy, gonna check now fast :<
oh nvm picked the wrong one thnx for pointing it out :<
Nice components.
image: Aldi

serieus, der is ne goeie nu id aldi ze :D
vind er niks van terug daarmee :'(
najs setup ^^
go with MSi GTX 560 Ti Twin Frozr II, the best for the moment <3
no its not?:D
my only doubt was between this one or the sapphire version...
i dont know shit anymore about pc stuff.. but why arent u going for a i7?
i dont know much either but if im right the clockspeed of an i5 is higher for less money (correct me if im wrong her :<)
cant correct u, cause i dont know shit.. just heard that i7 are more beast then i5.. but if this matches in general dno ^_^'
i7 processors have more L3 cache, but are also a lot more expensive. I also recall someone mentioning the i7 processors being hyperthreaded while the i5 ones are not, but I can't verify this.

Anyways, the i5 ones are a lot more bang for the buck, and generally you're all good getting one of them, seeing that the i7 ones can be considerably more expensive.
oh wow i was kinda right :o im learning :)
ah ok thx for the explanation.
currently waste of cores, but if you still want it you better buy one of the high-end ones or you might as well buy an i5, better yet wait for the 2012 ivy bridge versions.
Asus P8P67 Rev.3.0 plx
You're worth going for just 1 of those graphics card and putting the additional 100 euro towards a better processor.
am planning to upgrade to an i7 as soon as there prices dropped enough actually :<
prices dont normally drop they just replace with new items at the same pricepoint
what tosspot said. two of those beasts is too much :P. Im building one too, read that AMD proccesors(x4 core ftw) > Intel processors. everything you have there should be compatible with that motherboard, so enjoy when you get it.

you may need a 700watt power supply with those gpus though, even if it recommends 500.
Currently AMD simply has no match for Intel's Sandy Bridge.
yea but made this one with the budget i have atm and planning to upgrade soon (better processor, ssd's)
CPU: INTEL QUAD CORE I7-2600K 3.40 GHZ 8mb cache
ram: OCZ 4GB DDR3 1600MHz Titanium CL7 Dual
Shit, you dont need more than a i5 2500k for gayming
Look good i'd go for a samsung spinpoint F3 rather than the wester digital.

And you can get better than the CF 6850 for that price
kinda fan of wd using it since my first pc so xD and i checked loads of webshops and in the end my total price varied about 10 euro so
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