Some PC questions

Hello guys, I'm building a new computer. I've got a lot of help already (thx Zenix & riZla).
But I still got a couple small questions left..

1. Monitor - BenQ XL2410T or Acer GD245HQbid or LG W2363D (or other.. max 350 €)
Technical Specifications:;252940

2. Keyboard - Logitech G110 or Steelseries 6Gv2 or Razer Lycosa (or other?)

3. Mouse - Logitech MX518 or Logitech G500 or Zowie EC1/2 (or other?)
You should know i'm coming from a Logitech G5

4. This is the system I decided to go with:
Is a power supply of 650 enough? Or do you guys advice to get the 750?

5. Solid State Drive - Which one do you guys recommend?
I've heard the OCZ Vertex 3 aren't that good ? +- 120 GB :)

Any commands on the system are welcome, but doubt that I would change anything.


i have no idea but hi2u =)
hi2u2 !
Oh btw, next new year, me & my friends might come to Berlin to celebrate :D
yeah great =)
hopefully clubbin'
Most likely yeah, we're still doubting which capital.. but till now it's Berlin :)
If we would go, i'll need an advanced written guide of clubs that are nice on NYE :P
written advice or spoken? :)

if u stay some more days i could joiin u and tbh i dunno what we plan at nye so far :)
think we'll probably stay 3-4 days
inb4 5 guys and 1 girl wanna enter in the club and fails ( ratio girl/boy failed )

dunno if it was u who wrote a story about this once here or another one.
yeah was me trying to get in club with rahul and the boys ;)
Your motherboard doesnt support your cpu
how so?

E: Oh you are right, fixed it ! :)
your motherboard is socket 1366 and the cpu is 1155
aw yea :D true!:D
750w or 850w if later you decide to add a second MSI N560GTX-Ti Twin Frozr II/OC

e: but 650w is enough for 1 gpu

e2: check in those monitors doesnt have input lags..
get a mechanical keyboard, best ever x)
wrm de fuck zoutge ne nieuwe muis monitor & keyboard kopen???

btw zelfs alsge ne nieuwen keyboard koopt, de mijne koste 7 euro en draait al 2 jaar mee
Monitor is vrij obvious - 75 Hz => 120Hz ?
Muis valt minstens 1x/war uit
Keyboard idem aan muis :)
kzou gwn es met uwe nieuwe pc uw keyboard & muis testen (misschien is er defect in je moederbord alszet alletwee hapert)

kzou geen 350 euro betalen voor wat betere kwaliteit van scherm

laat adie een pc bouwen voorje?!

ik heb geluk gehad, mijn pc is het dubbel van waarde in een normale winkel dan wat ik gedokt heb ervoor ;)

wie weet krijgtge adie z'n mx er nog bij hij heeft 1 liggen
its always better to go with a higher PSU you can upgrade no problem and if you get sick of your computer you can always reuse it on others
De vertex 3 ssdtjes schijnen behoorlijk snel kapot te gaan. Heb al van meerdere resellers gehoord dat deze vaak terugkomen van klanten. Zelf zat ik deze ook te overwegen aangezien ze aanzienlijk in prijs verschillen met andere merken. Zelf ben ik voor Intel gegaan.

De rest ziet er allemaal wel aardig uit.

Succes ermee!
7g(though even 6gv2 is enough imho)
650w is enough
- BenQ monitor is better becouse its using LEDs technology.
- Steelseries 6g v2 (cheapest mechanical keyboard on market?)
- mx518 (if you dont care about mouseHZ.) or G400(same grip, better sensor)
- 650 is enough.
Id suggest steelseries 6gv2, since its about 40(?) euros cheaper than 7g, without speaker/mic/2usb ports/wristrest, which is hardly worth it imo.

Mousewise, i believe mx518 is closer to g5 than g500, so id go for a mx518 or g400.
For a monitor I'd recommend the lg w2363d as it's 120hz and it has got thru-mode. i dont know how but it seems to really work well and reduce all the input lag
Seems like a great monitor, thx for that !
u heard fuckin wrong if ocz vertex 3 sucks. its a fucking awesome drive, one of the fastests on the market right now.
I didn't heard it sucks, I heard they die pretty quickly & aren't that much faster than ordinary ssd's. :)
mm dunno about dieing pretty quick... but dats not true that they arent much faster than ordinary... if so the crucial M4 is also not much faster than ordinary ssds.. if u want super fast, get the OCZ Ibis :D
the first ssds from that series used to die that quickly, but the new series is I guess best one out there now
i think hes mistaken with vertex 2. ive come across 3 of those who died within a year but havent seen any vertex 3 die yet.. and vertex 3 is indeed faster ;)
benq, steelseries, g500, no idea on power, just get one of the latest ssd for system drive
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