lol real..

Sup cf,

get home after a day of hard work @ my student job
got 1h30 minutes to play
see this

image: lolwtf

image: 1450062974
image: 1450083447

Any1 had the same problem or & fix?
e: guess its just my inet failing, any Belgium got same probs w telenet atm?

image: tumblr_ljel46tTRg1qc7gfxo1_500
image: 1450062974


Eventhough it is depending on the server, from which you are downloading
wow i just realized my download should be 40 mb/s
wtf & yes i know it depends on what server i download it
this is to a random US server
image: 1450083447

image: seedboxspeed
selena gomez <3 : D
i remember that song:D she killed it for me by performing it live xD
tzac decreases your internet connection speed!
sAme here bro
why u never on xfire no more
Took me 3h to download bcoz it crashed on 99% and then I had to redownload last pack
i started lol, patched, everything guud.
yurrr going to party :D
it havent really worked for anyone, only randomly for some people what i've heard. I just left the patcher on and went to bed.
LoL was the one for free right?
yes :p
well, LoL & HoN are both f2p atm
if thats what ur asking ^^
so you can get them easily by downloading at official site?

which one is better for beginners?
yes you can, imo LoL is easyer, theres less skill oriented aspects
also more forgiving if you make a mistake
its alot more enjoyable if your new to the genre :)
ok :)
thx for reply!
Was hard to get a good connection to the server but after a few tries it was suddenly done in only a few minutes.
1. open as administrator
2. .....
3. profit
[img|left][/img], when i dl from london. <3
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