Wildcards and PB

My best guess at all the wildcards is the recent PB update.

No, it doesn't catch any more cheats, what it does do is fuck a lot of people over, so far I think it's just AMD 64 that is affected by the 100% cpu spiking (even after quitting).

So quit whining about wildcards here, and whine to evenbalance about them. I guess it'll be fixed soon, well I hope, at least by next weekend.
too bad it happened when +/- 500 matches should be played yesterday (OC/EC/NC) for example: Belgium Acid of Europe vib
It seams it happens only to AMD 64 3000+(quicki,acid,meez), atleast 3200+ arent affected(me and some others).
I have 3200+ and Im having this freezing for 30 sec or so.
Same with my 3500+. :(
I have an AMD 64 and I don't have any problems.
It may be a combination of processor/chipset/maker/clock speed. Not too sure yet, but it's only AMD64 users I've heard of with problems too. Could just be AMD64 3000+?
Athlon64 3000+ @ default clock on a DFI LANParty UT nF3-250Gb. Freezes like a bitch, Evenbalance would just tell me to switch OS. :p
I have an AMD 64 3000+ on an Asus K8V SE Deluxe. No problems at all (and no problems either last time around).
My guess is that it only affects ppl with single core amd 64 processors
pb update + wildcards = ?????
i didnt know this prob

also got 3000+ and it freezes all the time

but i got new pc now
for me its only 5 sec and not that much of a problem
same for me.. what system?
10ghz AMD64 dualcore 3GB ram

radeon crossfire 1800
I didnt had a sound driver yesterday >:(
if ppl are using wildcards is whine.... blabla.. and if CB doesnt allow wildcards is whine aslo! make your minds fuckers!

fucking geeks get life or smth
Last time I reported this to Evenbalance they told me to update chipset and GFX drivers, and while it did help (that time) I don't know if I can be arsed to do that every time time they update their client. :|
How about overclocking? Maybe problems start only if the cpu is overclocked?
having the freezes again, and i have a 3800+ normal, not that gay 64bits version
it's all cuz of twidi's router and chaos's router... i blame routers....
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