Torrentleech helpy
25 Aug 2011, 20:41
All of you dear crossfirees.
Sadly, im in need of a invite. Who has one to give away, pm me :)
Therefore id like to take a moment and greet all of my fellow Estonians and my dearest ex-teammates (Shizz, stib, Elviss, (s)h3lix, Daaf, Hell, xCn_, Skvash, Lazioleks and those of you i forgot).
Oh, and afkours lamAti_
Manymany thanks crossies.
Approved xoxo.
For all the fappers, i present you with :
Sadly, im in need of a invite. Who has one to give away, pm me :)
Therefore id like to take a moment and greet all of my fellow Estonians and my dearest ex-teammates (Shizz, stib, Elviss, (s)h3lix, Daaf, Hell, xCn_, Skvash, Lazioleks and those of you i forgot).
Oh, and afkours lamAti_
Manymany thanks crossies.
Approved xoxo.
For all the fappers, i present you with :
We're out for the summer, im hoping that we'll continue our run soon :)
Signups are CLOSED again.
16 hours ago
can sell you one for 5€ though.
5€ :D
I appreciate it though :) Thanks again