question about asus mbo

nothing important, use scissors to cut it off
did it, but ll that void warranty?
can't decider?

bend it under the mobo?
tried was still blocking
lol noob
hope this helps
its just so your ps2 plug is guided smoother, should be fine to keep it there - meant to bend it towards the ps2 socket and have it push up against the plates on the back of the PC.

If you cant have it there for some reason cut it fully off - making sure no little bits of metal are left poking out potentially shorting your mobo ;) that would not be fun! =)
i was trying to put in for like 90 minutes and then got pissed off and just cut it off. now there is a small piece left that i cant remove because i dont have anything that pointadly to cut it off completely :|

and the biggest prob is i cant run new specs(this mbo,i5 750 and ddr3 gskill 1600), first everything somehow worked and i managed to get boot display but pc started shutting down before windows booted and after sometime screen was black and i couldnt do it could potentially be and most likely mbo, maybe ram and i hardly believe its cpu that is broken

did you do a quick build outside the case first to make sure it was all working already? easiest way if you have a bit of space.
not unforunately :/

where do u put mbo when u r doing it outside of case, like on floor or?
Still happy you got them for so cheap price? ^_^
well cpu was like 130€, mbo like 50€ and ram like 30€. ram is new, mbo was also unused because it was broken and then they just gave new, and cpu is prolly the most rock solid part of pc which isnt that easy to brake. anyways, i have warranty for all shit besides mbo which i fucked up cuz of that little piece of shit :|
Just bought new computer today also, cost 800€ :(
all this shit is too expensive for my needs :D dno why i even wanted to replace my e6300,its still working fine...

wanted to get laptop but bought this instead:(

which cpu did u buy,2500k?
i7 2600k and 580gtx :))
normally inside the mobo's box there is a small cardboard sort of package, I just leave the mobo sat in that and put it on a wooden table :) only takes 15mins max to hook up everything to make sure it boots - if you can attach a monitor too thats a bonus but just knowing it boots is normally enough.

here is a pic from something I did a while ago:
thanks, ll try it tomorrow :)
btw i had arctic ceramique paste put on,but since i removed everything and put everythin back in box can i try this without putting thermalpaste since it wont 2 long,just for testing purposes
you can startup without a heatsink on your cpu, it will go upto the threshold of 100° C over a couple of minutes and just turn itself off - it is not reccomended to do this for too long / too often. If you test the startup alone, once you hear the PC Post with a single beep, just keep your finger on the on button to quickly shutdown.
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