question about asus mbo
26 Aug 2011, 13:33
can someone tell me what is this little piece of sheet (also shit) metal near keyboard PS2 port and what to do with it because it's blocking way to mbo's backplate
can someone tell me what is this little piece of sheet (also shit) metal near keyboard PS2 port and what to do with it because it's blocking way to mbo's backplate
bend it under the mobo?
hope this helps
If you cant have it there for some reason cut it fully off - making sure no little bits of metal are left poking out potentially shorting your mobo ;) that would not be fun! =)
and the biggest prob is i cant run new specs(this mbo,i5 750 and ddr3 gskill 1600), first everything somehow worked and i managed to get boot display but pc started shutting down before windows booted and after sometime screen was black and i couldnt do it could potentially be and most likely mbo, maybe ram and i hardly believe its cpu that is broken
did you do a quick build outside the case first to make sure it was all working already? easiest way if you have a bit of space.
where do u put mbo when u r doing it outside of case, like on floor or?
wanted to get laptop but bought this instead:(
which cpu did u buy,2500k?
here is a pic from something I did a while ago: