PC Gaming is not dead! Last Hour


Razer will trololololo ?

1 hour to go to the answer ;)
posted over 9k times already
what is this?
omg, check it guys. IN 2 mins will be answered why the gaming is not dead.. Be a nerd!
1h to go smartass
I have 00 00 00 ;)
Ehhr have to wait another hour?
looks like it. the twitter feed was 1 minute then an hour o_o
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they will release a new mouse/keyboard for the PS3. Since the new CS:GO will be crossplatform. Then valve will make a new tournament with a prizepool of 5 million dollar and every CSS pc nerd will be happy.

Mind = blown!
nothing happening yet
A shitty laptop? FUUUU
pff... a laptop :/
that touch panel mode doesn't offer anything more... cause it will force you to look away from the screen
i thought razer would present finally a game, what would be like et :(
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