LoL & Music question

1. League of Legends

just achived my aim to reach the Silverbadge be4 the season one ends ....

image: xZ9TS

since iam still kinda in the "elo hell" and ppl can reach that elo with like lucky first 5 won ranked games in a row ... should i risk going for gold ... got 2 weeks till soft elo reset


also any cho players around ?

2. Music

iam atm lookin for some traditioal irish folk music something like this:

dem british ppl of xfire . know anything like this ?

3. Bonus

i want 250 000 euro , now

no random chick as i cant see dem shopped girls anymore
Quotedem british ppl of xfire . know anything like this ?
No, but the Irish ones may do :)
for some reason the song was tagged as british folk in my music library thats why i asked :p
i wouldnt go for it.. besides u play with a mate to reduce the chance of getting mixxed with 4 retards
well ye iam afraid aswell ... lost so many games where ppl picked outside of the current meta and i was forced to play support ... was raging hard as alistar with tryndamere against a janna + cait botlane
but when playing duo you get higher elo players, though its still better to play duo
Just go for the gold =)

I play cho'gath sometimes with a build of Wits end, Malady, <Insert def items>

works well
i actually like to play him tanky as possible with aiming for 40% cdr to get up to 2 feast off in a teamfight.... most ppl suggested me to go for a 9/0/21 setup yet iam not sure if i can keep myself long enough in lane ... atm mostly running 0/9/21 ...
I dont play cho at lane. I play it as a jungler :)

Fast jungler

Doesent drop low hp

Decent ganks
ye i see more of them lately with kinda weird builds

like starting with dagger + pots and commin up with nashor's tooth as first item

what setup do you run for him ? guess attackspeed heavy aswell to clear the jungle fast with vorpal spikes ?
I usually even go for 0/21/9 for solotop Cho. the 21 into utility is will mostly keep you stacked up on mana and some cdr etc. However, last hitting will take care of your mana problems and with the 21 into defense it mostly even nets you more health from the passive then you take from minionaggro or poke from the enemy champ.
I start jungle with E, lvl 2 Q and max E. I grab silence lvl 4.
I could have better runes but I cba farm runes just for cho jungle so Im using attack speed on yellow+blue and magicpen on red. Movementspeed quints.
Cloth armor + pots as starting item, building that Lantern first for dat extraward
I fucking hate this ranked bs. Got to lvl 30 last week and every single game I get mixed up with some stupid retards who either disconnect or don't know how to play. Gotta carry whole game but still losing because of team. It's hard to be me.
i had the same ... first 30 games were horrible ... ppl who asked what items to buy and what to do becoz they bought their account of ebay .. they even admitted it in chat .... ppl trolling with revive eve etc etc.

the key to actually advance in elo seems to be ... pick what is needed let them other fools play with what they are good at .... do not respond on flames even they blame you for shit they did wrong ... you still get trolls , noobs etc but it kinda gets better
I hope you're right.
cho gath is best!

i play him with 0/9/21

and pwn solo top ;)
runes ?

playing him like this aswell with

movement speed quints
magpen marks
dodge seals
mag res/lvl glyphs

0/9/21 going for nimbleness ... not sure if should rather go for the 15% mag pen + 3% cdr + 0.6x champ level ap as iam already running movementspeed quints and you dodnt really need nimbleness to escape :S
well since i dont play lol for a very long time, i only have one completed rune page :D

armor pen quints (cuz i jungle often with olaf, and armor pen is never wrong ;D)
mr marks (i often tank with different champs)
armor seals
and mana glyphs (gonna change them though, when im not to lazy :D)

and my masteries are the same as in the guide from chaox i guess, dunno exactly
what is 0/9/21?
my masteries for cho

0 in attack
9 in def
21 in utility
ah k, I'm new in LoL, didn't know
np ;)

im quite new too :D

started in may ;)
I stared 3 weeks ago, lvling up atm :)
i play cho

all chogath guides on
it always depends on who you're laning against.

For the elo thingy, just play, elo doesn't matter, dominion coming out soon enough.
I'm a cho player but in elo-hell at the moment. it's ridiculous how bad people in here are. They just refuse to communicate or take any advice and make the same mistakes over and over again. Like this game when I was going a Vayne going 8/1/4 in 10 minutes. However, after every teamfight we won my team just goes either rambo for the turrets and get killed by respawning enemies or they go hide in the bushes while some of us are basing only to get caught by respawned enemies. The first few times I try to calmly make them aware of their mistakes since it's not that much of a problem if they do it once (the enemy team is not that good either and Im still going good) or twice. However, they keep making the same mistake doing the exact same thing. Whenever I base I tell them not to get into a fight and just stay defensive but they ALWAYS get caught. They are not even aware of the things they are doing wrong. I fucking hate it. I went 1v5 out of rage once and I killed 4 before I was taken down (had 20 kills & fullbuild)but they can't even pull of a halfway decent teamfight that allowed me to take down the entire enemy team.

Or this other game I just played with Nidalee. I'm currently in the 1200~ elo region so I play with all the people playing ranked for the first time. Turns out I'm solo top vs a jax and a singed (yes 1v2). However, Im the only one that is winning his lane. My team starts feeding and I play with an Ashe that starts out with a Last Whisper and just skips boots completely. Sometimes she just decides that walking into the enemy team is her best bet on winning the game. Meanwhile I try to motivate the people in chat but they don't respond and just ignore me. I raged during the last three games simply because my team wasn't responding to advice or remarks. They just kept on making mistakes without even caring.

Why do I have to play with these people? Why can't Riot just set the new players apart. These players are all unranked and they should make a group of players that are playing their first few ranked games and only let them play amongst eachother. I don't want to play with blitzcrank's that go 1/8 and tell me that ragebade is the worst item for nidalee. It's just so hard to keep playing and reach a decent elo (loosing-streak are hard to deal with). I don't mind loosing games, as long as they are good games. Too many times I get the feeling that I make almost no mistakes but I just can't help the loss. I just get the feeling that I'm flipping coins in order to determine whether I win or loose. Will my team have the noobs, or will the other team have them?

Sorry for the rant here, I know you all don't care. Just had to type it somewhere since I felt so frustrated after these games. Thanks.
Being good at LoL is like being a good at breathing.
Remember to swap your oxygen tanks.
Cut the elo hell bullshit crap, it doesnt exist. If you're stuck at that elo you belong there.
If you wanna improve your elo play champions that you're good at or that are fun to play.
Also you're not the only "good" player out there that gets those stupid/bad people that dc/troll. Your enemies get them too but you dont care about them cos they're not your problem.
All people outside say that. A lot of people don't have the nerve to deal with loosing streaks. Imo only about 10% of the games at low elo are 'fun' and 'good' games in which botht teams really try. The rest is just either you loose because of feeders or you win because of feeders.

Loosing the games with bad people is not the problem. The problem is that they're not fun and you MUST play over a hundred of them in order to reach a decent elo where you might belong if you didn't get out with luck on your first 10 games or so.
As i said, Elo hell does not exist, just people that believe in it.
According to Gbob you need about 40 games to get 100 elo with a 60% win ratio which is really high in solo q.
If you're on a losing streak STOP playing ranked/lol for a while, you're just frustrated if you lose a few games in a row. Also you shouldnt play it while tired cos ur performance decreases. If you cant manage to get out of the elo you're at atm you probably belong there, dont blame the lose on your teammates always just think about what you've done wrong or what you could do better next time.
yes and no imo

everyone got good and bad games obviously and we kinda judge most of the ppl based on 1 game ... "noobs" etc .... and imo elo hell does exist just not the way most ppl describe it ... i just dont think that ppl with 160 wins . just hit 30 and got carried in like 5 rankes in a row belong to a certain elo range where ppl witch a like 2k played games plus belong

what ever atm iam going up in my elo , playing whats needed , trying to counterpick enemy champs etc so i cant complain atm
There is an elo hell, its the place where only like 10-20% of the games are fun. the outcome of the other games is almost predetermined. You need to play a lot of 'non-fun' games in order to get out (taken you're skilled enough).
im fucking platin, Elo hell on 1400? haha 2300 is elo hell :/!
trolling or srs plat ?
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