what should i do today

i got no money, spent whole day at home because of hangover, and now i am tired of being home, would like to do something outside, like meet new girls or just do something fun, but without money its impossible i think? or not? should i call my friends? should i get loan from my friends? whaz up?
tell me the solution mates?
dont wanna nerd, its depressing on saturdays

good song yes

e: ok im gonna go out with few friends,drive that aweful mazda of my dads.. thanks for discussions, you always bring a light to my dark night (i just made that up, pretty nice right?)
maybe try to get a job?
maybe suck some cock?
thats also a job
it is indeed, and i also got enough money to do the things i want to
if you sit at home and play computer games all weekend long then you cant loose much money yes
i worked today and i will work tomorrow too and i got still enough time to party hard today and play games tomorrow and i can still clean my ass with money.
i did everything right in my life, do you?
dont be mad but if you work on weekends then your life cant be right, i mean.. seriously :)
i work on weekend by my own choice to get more money for a big german car, so that i can buy it a few month earlier without loosing money for beer

deal with it !
good for you, i like german cars, u have earned my respect
yeah you can buy one too, i mean when you have finished studying you will earn a lot of money too ( if you don't study music or art :D ). which one do you prefer ?
i like new audis :) and m3 is also nice bah, there are so many good german cars out there :D and im studying informatics, maybe, some day, i will also get a big german car :)
you will but it will take some time, because other things are much more important then a big car
so you learn informatics like programming stuff and creating visualization?
i am going to study electrical engineering because only informatics is a bit too boring for me ^^
i also have lots of money, but i dont clean my ass with it...
yeah, thats retarded phrase :D
why not? you can still buy something with it, but it maybe annoy the ppl who get it
xD cmon don't take my comments serious, it's weekend :S
just thought it was funny :p
HAHAHAH :D Made my day!
money is for people who can't handle life.
you don't know how it is to have money because you never had any, so how can you know?
of course i've had money, what the fuck...
at least my main goal in life isn't piling up money.
mine neither, i am giving my best to give it out ^^
suck some dick :D !
song is awesome <3

dunno im a girl izi to party w/o money.
just ask a friend imo :)
got tan? :)

well im like a lobster atm
taking it like a boss :D

will be tanned after the redness will go away ;D
know this prob :DDdd
you are white schnee? >:{D
or yellow schnee :>

tomorrow i also have officer's duty, hope it will go fine :~<
going with rifle and vest on you can rly hurt while lobstering D:
there is nothing fun in it
taking command over six whining ppl in a guerding duty
its delaying my own work :XD

bonus was last duty i had a girl who got hmm lets say "detention" to the base and i brought her to my office we saw movies and had sex :D

i put the AC @ 12 degrees and she was rly cold so i offer her to cuddle with my warm blankie ^_^

from there its history :~>
stealing is not cool...
WHO is.....?
wat? so ne deppen gibt es noch, die einer den abend spendieren? ^^
hahaha ja genug :)
die verzweifelten, sehr fein. dann sollte ich mir vielleicht auch mal nen paar socken unters bauchfreie top packen was? ^^
probiers halt :Dddd
niemals, dafür ist mein ego zu groß um mich von andern durchfüttern zu lassen. wenn ich party machen will muss ich auch davon ausgehen geld auszugeben, fertig :)
nur weil ich mir einen ausgeben lasse heisst das aber nciht dass mich einer durchbringt, denn das kann ich bestens alleine :) ich koennte auch son abend alleine zahlen ohne frage !
and kid cudi on profile <3
yeah, atleast i got some fuel in my car, gonna drive for some drunk friends tonight i guess, better than nothing :)
put the music loud :)
rly THX for this song :o <3
Go out with your friends, just chill and have some fun. :)
maybe try to get a job?
i actually have one, but im a student and its summer holidays so i thought i would rest and party hard :)
seems as you partied way too hard if you don't have any money yet? :)

or get a better paied job ^^
yes, first time this summer running out of money tbh, but school gonna start soon so last weekends have been pretty mad drinking, but who cares, we only live once you know :P
get a girlfriend, perfect for situations like yours now :)
you are fucking right :)
a girlfriend costs you a lot of money too ^^ i mean you don't want to sit in your room with her all the time, you need to go outside with her doing crazy stuff and i won't let my girlfriend pay anything when he's out with me :P
Küsi saavisaarelt.
dunno... I'm kinda stuck at the moment too. every option I can think about is a failure, so I'll just stay home, watch House and study... tomorrow will be better :P tho both possibilities I have require money, so still can't help you
suck my cock, i'll pay you some bucks for that so u'll have money to spend.
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