my little pony

Sup cf

so lately ive been thinking about watching the first episode of
my little pony

Has any1 actualy seen it & if so
did u absolutely love it?

image: carrina

worst song i have ever heard
I actually watched (was forced to watch) the pilot right when it came out, but it didn't leave any impression. A popular opinion seems to be that it gets better later, but I can't tell you about that
why only 6 episodes in the latest season?
yes, i saw it and i did indeed love it at first sight :)
Seen and loved every episode. Whether or not you'll like it really depends on your mindset. The show has plenty of aspects that could appeal to anyone, but some of the appeal lies in the pure cuteness of the show.
I liked every episode from the very beginning, but I wasn't completely sold on the show until like the eleventh one or so. After Winter Wrap-up, there was no turning back.

Most people seem to think the pilot (the first two episodes) isn't as good as the rest of the show, mainly because it's a bit different in style compared to the other episodes (while I still wept manly tears in the end ;__;). The pilot is more of the "magical girl adventure" sort, while the other episodes are mostly slice-of-life style.

Anyway, you've got nothing to lose. Season 2 is coming in 20 days, by the way, on September 17.
They set a date for season 2?! Awesome
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