summer is over for me

So that's right.. was a nice summer, not the best but rememberable. Today im going to start my uni life in tallinn
at 5 o clock gonna pick up my old classmates and drive 2,5 hours :) Hopefully will not get caught by speed cameras, but who knows..
It's gonna be my first year basically because last year i took academic break and went to army :P gg wp?
My apartment mates gonna be Jürgen(JyrkZ) and Martin, they like weed&drinkin&women so i don't know how much studying theres gonna be. Im also gonna work few days before uni starts ( sept) to earn some money so i wont be poor as fuck like yesterday :D

So what you gonna do this year?

a nice song for you
me too !

i start my new job in 2 day ! ! ! !
hi sac thx once more for song u posted in ur last journal. i like all rtracks of them :)
good luck with uni.

im not sure what i will do. thinking about switching my job back to music label somewhere. not even sure if i shall stay in berlin or move to another place .)


tänx :)
gonna study criminologie (dunno how the fuck its called in english) @ uni in Brussels

but I still got a month of vacation :D

like detective?
i was also thinking about something like that, would be interesting job :)
well, related in that way yes.

studies about crimes, psychology, rights etc
good to be in Aus. Summer is just about to start =)
now im jealous :(
Oke,if you drive at Tartu or Pärnu mnt,then ofc speed cameras:p
But good luck with getting some money before uni.
thank you, yeah gonna drive from võru to tartu and then tallinn, so lot of gay cameras :))) but im kinda used to them already so np i guess :D
Yeah,90km/h is pretty slow:D Have got 180km/h :)
tartu tallinn is actually mostly 100km/h but most gay thing is if u see the camera and u are like, ok wtf was the speed sign, 90 or 100 or even 70
wat you gonna study?
and year 11 for me
informatics in tlü
hf @ studies!

will finish my studies in chemistry next year. enjoy your time at uni, it will be awesome :)
hope so

tänx :)
Going to enter my second year as a translator, in Brussels.
And i'm looking forward for the beginning of the year, this summer @ home (in the middle of nowhere, fucking village) has been.. shit.
3 weeks left guys, 3 weeks left, and parties/chicks/beers/pastas will be there for me.
Going to enter my second year as an accoutant, in Arlon! One more shot to take after it :D
Well.. I'm gonna party a bit more than i did this year and play less ET I think.

I'll also start to take some skiing courts and i'm gonna play tennis 2 times/week (never played this before, haha)

Oh yeah.. I'll have germans lessons two times per week aswell, plus 4 hours at uni, i hate it so much :( Heeeeeelp, heeeeelp meeeeh
German is funnier to learn than Dutch, tbh.
i'm gonna stay in arlon 8 months lawl, some army base there ^^
Haha welcome in the south mate ;D Nothing much to do here tho.
Well.. I think you are based in Stockem right ?
ye will be fun -_____-
8 months isnt that much.. Atleast, i think :p
e: You still can have some drinks at night in town :)
Finish army, then study psychology in uni

Btw, how estonian army works? Do you have universal conscription in effect or do you volunteer into the service and how long does it last?
It's mandatory, but i volunteered to get army done before uni, because you have to go there anyway. I chose year 2010, but my classmates, same age as me, have to go 2013, so if u have like 4,5 year study in university u have to take a break and it might disturb. But that was just my opinion..
We have 8/11 months in estonia, with 8 months u will be a private/corporal and in 11 months u get sergeant/truck-driver.. i am kinda happy i went for 8 months, because i didnt have to waste my summer :)
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