
whats the best packetdup to use? i got around 100 ping (98-110)
i heard this command can make you hit better. real or bullshit? and what value?

halp pl0x

image: HOTTIE_Scarlet09_G_A
tried the values in past and couldnt really notice any difference.
cl_packetdup 100
cl_packetdup is how many times a packet ( your current location for instance ) is sent to the server. Lower is better, but if your connection is very bad you might want to set it higher. Leave it at 1 for best performance, do 2-3 if you have a very unstable connection.

e: A bit more info's, Wolfenstein makes use of UDP. UDP is a "connectionless" way of sending data from 1 peer to another. It is very fast but it is also unreliable because it does not send an ack ( response to make sure that the packet has been received ). That doesn't matter for a game as a game just needs to make sure that the packet gets there as soon as possible, sending the packets multiple times could ensure that the packet is received even on a bad connection, but will of course affect your overall performance.
bullshit, lower is better for highping not like it would make any difference though
Wat. Lower is better (a difference) but there's no difference?
it makes no difference even if there was one
more packets will eat more of your bandwidth, so if you have slow connection, high packetdup could hurt. But if you are playing on connection with high packetloss, higher packetdup can help with hitting.
clear answer, thx!
bad connection+ high packetdup= unhit :D?
for example cl_packetdup 1 sends your packets doubled (its good to prevent packetloss) , cl_packetdup 2 = 3 times more and so on

Would be nice if packetdup is forced on 1 because it doubles the amount of packets you send but also the packets you recieve... means that some unhit ppl become more hitable :)

*edit* also i dont see the reason why we still play with maxpackets 100 when 40 sends actually more packets ^^
why does it send more packets at 40?
ask the netcode
Dunno if its placebo but played with 5 packetdup and made random headshots with low acc.
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