iPod only playing half of each song
30 Aug 2011, 11:10
I did try Google, however, I couldn't find anyone with my problem specifically.
So I got imesh and downloaded loads of tunes. I didn't use itunes to sync my ipod as imesh does the syncing for you (which was cool I thought), however, now all of the songs I downloaded are only half playing, whilst the songs I transfered from itunes play fine without problems.
Anyone have this problem before and Have a resolution?
Forgot to mention, the songs I got from imesh seemed to be directly from youtube.
Will see this live on saturday - BOOM
I did try Google, however, I couldn't find anyone with my problem specifically.
So I got imesh and downloaded loads of tunes. I didn't use itunes to sync my ipod as imesh does the syncing for you (which was cool I thought), however, now all of the songs I downloaded are only half playing, whilst the songs I transfered from itunes play fine without problems.
Anyone have this problem before and Have a resolution?
Forgot to mention, the songs I got from imesh seemed to be directly from youtube.
Will see this live on saturday - BOOM
Alternatively, get a smartphone and use it for music listening. Every smartphone nowadays can support pretty much every single format out there, from OGG ta FLAC to SID.
song of the day cause of
- missing daily journal of someone - done
- bored
- worth to be shared
- cause i can
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wocJMx5ikG4&feature=related =)
sry cant help
thank me later