schNee's guuud morning :)

Good morning peepz,

Just arrived at work. I’m so lazy and I’m so sleepy. Maybe I should go to bed earlier. I blame cf, irc, msn & music! Lucky it is Wednesday alrdy. And weekend will be fun. Best friends female bday! and there is shoe trade show/ party in berlin where u can find special editions n stuff so I’m looking forward to find some new :D
for the guys who are interested in Solemart:

Questions of the day:
What do u think about razer image: razer_blade_gaming_laptop_11 Dunno! Like the style :x
what gives u a guuud feeling? j, music, friends around me

Kid Song:
schNee Song:

image: Kid+Cudi
image: jesli_chcesz_tego__by_celuloza

Shoutouts: carla (aww :*), wsk & nOOr (TEH boys), Panda (just....), Michael , CONFO(!), mica (lips), flooflooo (miau), dialer(kikoo), marko, .ee & fins - blindiiii & altsiiii =), the GANG, the #bd channel , my channel <3, m!das (!) , tAliiiii, hentai!, faky (coming to visit me), EVO PAUL SEX(ton), KARTOFFELPoffel!, ALAN (:o) and my buddies + special to R.

image: images?q=tbn:ANd9GcS99jJ1pFW59FrKKSZsEkjbAfhg_T7e0YoCAZGvRVUWg4E_CRDB&t=1 e: join #schnee if u like to be with the real peepz =) image: images?q=tbn:ANd9GcS99jJ1pFW59FrKKSZsEkjbAfhg_T7e0YoCAZGvRVUWg4E_CRDB&t=1
||I wish u all a nice day||
1) is good
2) orgasm

Nice black man btw!
sexy bitch he is :x

agree with orgasm. thought cf is too young for sex thats why i let it out teh list ^^
Quoteagree with orgasm. thought cf is too young for sex thats why i let it out teh list ^^

you old hag :DD

its gaming site we should NOT forget that :DDDDD
true true ^^
morning ana <3
1. Wat? D;
2. Just arrived safe and sound in Greece so I guess that gave a good feeling:P about to de-plane
check link :D
No interest in razer blade.
Good feeling when you hear a song or ar at a place or basically anything which make you think about a sick moment you had with friends when this song was playing :) 'relving that moment'
Last week i was waiting for the subway when i suddently heard Summer of '69 behind the people's noise. I almost pissed in my pants!

Stupid situation, great feeling. Awesomeness.
me & my brothers in a car:

profit if you all know the lyrics :d
have a nice day Saskia <3

about the Razor Notebook:
specs sound "ok'ish", but a big minus is imo that it has no SSD drive :(

about the 2nd question:
reading morning journals on crossfire ofc ! + coffee :D
have a nice day as well. btw choose cmth else than canarian island ;)
good pic for the boyz ! :D
good morning after sleeping 13h
good morning after 6 h sleep ;(
less than 4h sleep during the last 3 days - studied hard so guess i deserved it ='D
Oh, I know exactly what you deserve *.*
enlighten me :p
The Todd would know :/
Toddster? Scrubs? :$
aah lol xD
ye didnt know u were talking about scrubs lol^^
facepalm, please q:
Only I can englighten you ^^
but you dont
1) bad one
2) music,having extreme activities with friends,especially with some wicked nerds,running away from police(didnt end well XD),blowing whole backyard up(stupid Andreas) is good,when theres lot adre X)
wtf?! :)

just runned once. tell more!
Oke,as you wanted.
About the police.
It was this winter,me and other 3 classmates were at my place.So we decided to go in the street,so we took the snowballs and Robert had stupid idea to throw cars,then we saw police car coming and Andreas was like "Oke,lets do it",he throwed the snowball to police car window XD ,we were like the fuck,so we started to run and the police car started to follow us :P I jumped over someones fence X),the police car passed me,didnt hear about others untill next day in school,they told Rasmus got busted,others runned away XD
Now about the backyard blow.
It was in this summer,me,Rasmus and Andreas were at Andreases place:P
He has ATV,but it was empty of the fuel,so Andreas took 10l fuel can and took matches,Rasmus was like "What you doing?",then Andreas dropped the match into the can,and happened that,it flyed away from his hand,the whole backyard was in fire XD nice fire tought :P
yo :P

I get good feeling when i win at poker KACHINGG $$$ Or when i am on the road, and i overtake a car, and the car what is driving in the other direction towards me gets very close, so you get this adrenealine rush and after the overtake i feel so fucking alive and heart beats, its weird but very owner feeling, ofcourse when i win at sports, and when i own jyrkz in ET1on1 i also get a good feeling, nice music gives me good feeling, sometimes good weather gives me good feeling, mostly good friends make me feel good, when i see nice girls, it gives me good feeling, alcohol mostly gives me good feeling until i get too wasted, and weed gives me good feeling hehe :)
morning everybody,

I have no opinion about razer blade.
guuud feeling? cup of coffee after 10+ hours of sleep.

good morning. coffee beste <3
gud mornin!

1) dunno
2) having finished big work (like I did with my report yesterday FUCK YEAH)
Today BBC news.

A human named as oLGaa,has reported the anserw of time travelling with Einstein E=mc2.
Now we can go back and stop brink.
I only invent new drugs to calm the nerds :D

play less C&C 2
guud morning honey <3
good morning :)
morning. slept good. today's gonna be a standard doing nothing day. in the evening going to a party, also party tomorrow, friday and a wedding on saturday. awesome!

1. dunno

2. when I know I'm gonna get some <3
ur life <3

have a niice day boy
thank u girl
1. marketing crap, but I recon stupid idiots will buy overpriced garbage anyway.
2. the 5 seconds prior to an orgasm.
aight agreee :)

congratz daddy btw ! nice to see all is going good so far. alrdy discussing about name i guess?!
Good morning. I agree with wsk in every point :D

Just 3 more days until holidays so today is a good day.

Have a nice day everyone :)

ps: wsk is very old
nice that you agree.

ps: wsk is not too old to beat you up.
goood morning :)

schnee baby loves Kid Cudi ,)
hes great artists. dunno why i never listened to him although i like day n night never followed him but NOW he got me <3
Parent starts at 40

i find his stuff alot different from the normal, love his "style of music"
cannot open first. my fav is still all the day my mojo so dope. this guy is just unbelievable. wantto see him live ! :)
NAAZIIIIIIIIIIIII u know im living in germany post name!
forgot about your crazy youtube laws, my bad lover - kid cudi ft snoop dogg - that tree
Good morning schnee :3
1. dont really like Razer products, neither I like laptops.. but I have to admit it looks quite cool :>
2. LEVIN, music, chilling, cars :>
good morning boy :)
i love my razer mouse!
I had a Lachesis two years ago when I was ~14-15, nowadays I have really big hands cause of playing Basketball, so even a Mx518 doesnt really fit my hands anymore :D
1. Probably overpriced, cool idea with the mini-screen tho
2. Music, a good smoke, Gemb

music for free:
i like! but its only 2.37min :(
I got college today from 8:00AM-6:00PM :(.
Back to back classes with only 1 break in between.
What do u think about razer blade? Meh, don't care.
what gives u a guuud feeling? Seeing the girl I love. :)
pooor boy long day for u.
at 6pm im hopefully home alrdy !

all about <3
good morning!

1. looks nice :)
2. when i see my girlfriend or friends, listenin to music where you got memories from, ciggarettes, alcohol, the sun :)
good morning :)
1) nice
2) When I make my gf orgasm. Makes me feel proud!
:DDdd true words!
And ofc I will get my own satisfaction out of it :D
1) yh looks nice
2) waking up in the morning and feeling alive is a great feeling!
agree on 2 <3
1. dunno
2. im going today to buy my first car so im happy
which one? :)
bmw e36 1991r
nice! ccongratz! :) and hf ;)
Morning / Afternoon gorgeous

1) I'm not sure i'm that impressed, looks ok but a bit too geeky for me maybe :)
2) Anything which results in an adrenaline rush, high octane thrills, driving fast, great sex, or better yet great sex whilst having an adrenaline rush :)
Pretty Lights, always worth a listen
What do u think about razer blade Dunno! Like the style?

Looks like a laptop from the 1990`s... I wouldn't buy razer some of their stuff is shit build quality!!

what gives u a guuud feeling?

Surfing and catching a really great wave.... or when Scotland beat anybody at rugby... particularly England!

Last time we did that, my flatmate ran home from the bar through the city to our flat(a distance of about 2km)... wearing only shoes!

Good "morning"*
1. nice design, don't know about the rest
2. Lots of things, like when i get goose bumps while listening to a music. Also when a girl makes me a massage, ...
Outkast - da art of storytellin part 2

voll öde heute ! ;( was solsch machee ?
zocken! freunde treffen! :)
kid cudi istn hässliger vogel.
tolle brüste tho! :)

heisse sau ist der . wie der sich bewegt. ich liebe es wenn kerle musik im blut haben :xxxxx macht mich nervös! :pp

jaaaaaaaa <3
Ich kann nicht tanzen, nu wenn ich allein bin :-D
:DDD quatsch einfach hoeren und rauslasssen :o :) wirkt wunder!
Nene. Ehrlich. Bin bei sowas eher schüchtern :-D

ich auch! und dann war ich mit meinem besten mal ganz alleine feiern und aufeinma hab ich gesehen der tanzt net der bewegt sich zum beat und dann fing ich an.. ;)
..vll zeigste mir das ja auch mal irgendwann :-D
haha musste mal mitkommen feiern ;)
..wenn ich gelgenheit haben werde, haben bestimmt spaß :D
good morning ! today new jump release =)
good morning schnee!
im sorry youre feeling sleepy but you really should go to bed earlier next time ! :)

im still on vacation so i went up at 11:00 today and started chillin at the pool, listening to music and drinking some cocktails, i love it!

and actually thats also the answer to your question, although there couldve been some friends here too!

i hope you enjoy your weekend!! have fun at your best friends bday party!
where r u?? :o

ty i will alot :)
im at home in austria :) we live quite near the italian border so its nice and hot here!!
jelly me is although its getting hot here at weeeknd to finally again!

What do u think about razer blade idc tbh, would only use a laptop for uni, prefer a more simple one for that
what gives u a guuud feeling? mdma
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