delete !

fov 90 sens 5
fov 105 sens 5

thats best for me
you pwn @ every game dont u :P
it's not a rule for this sensitivity, u can use the sens that is good to you an how you feel better with it, i use fov 110 with sens 1.76 (usually i switch to 2.06 sens) so it s just perfect for me ;)
For your 90 fov, if you want the same feeling as with 120 fov use sensitivity 1.875
I would say 1.875

Nice stealing my ideas n shit. n0ob!
[9:26] <d`RaZiel> use tan to calculate the sens/fov. easy to make a formula for that
[9:31] <d`RaZiel> lowfovsens = highfovsens*[(tan lowfov/2)/(tan highfov/2)]

think you need the tangens cause you are working with radials, but i totaly suck at math so somebody else pls do explain :/
In trigoniometry you normally use the tangent/s to find the angle in angle phi (polecoördinates). so maybe thats the solution.

You use cosinus and sinus to find the coördinates of point P
Your sens @ fov 120 is 5,4413980927026535517822347729265
bit high tbh
pls calculate my sens for fov 180 \o/
Raziel should have spent more time on school instead of gaming.

btw I think the degrees/pixel is constant all over the screen, so a linear relation will do: sens1/fov1 = sens2/fov2

but I'd just stick to the same sens, changing fov is hard enough allready in a game where you'r aiming "blind" because of the screenshake.
Quotebut I'd just stick to the same sens, changing fov is hard enough allready in a game where you'r aiming "blind" because of the screenshake.

agree :P
i knew gS is famous
farting chicks and you guys talk bout fov and sensi? xD
thinking the same xD
he edited his post tbh!!!!!!!!

im a sherlock!!!!!!!!
yeh I saw him change the topic but was too late to check the original text. Must be something stupid cause why else would you edit.
ye you'll never know unless fets will enlighten us!
journal was about fov/sens but since i got my answer i make a phun journal.
disturbing journal of the day?
ill give you a game of cod2 some time, shotgun you from half way across and make you go wtf! :>
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