oh shit I am energetic!! :))
slept 12h nightsleep :)))
so I woke up 5:30 by myself :))) feels great and I ate breakfast n stuff too :))
@ school I will make Finland crosby's day 1 hell because he's a fuckin geek annd has again slept liek 2h so he tries to sleep @ school but I will make it imposibble :DD::DD
I'll hit him to head if he falls asleep and I will sing all energetic songs next to he's ear and annoy him every way possibel :)))) because I am full of energy ;;))))

same, 1st time i woke up before school starts :)))
u need ritalin.
what drugs r these? same like coffein?
Ritalin lessens the signs of hyperactivity. :)
i see tarded people....
this journal lacsk pictures
image: animal9
lol i ve lost twice the bus today
u guys need to tell me what ur taking, im alway sleep y myself :(
who are you? oh, gay ofc.
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