The well of answers
7 Sep 2011, 10:30
Ask anything, receive knowledgeable answer (perhaps with original research) if it's about ET, poker (or other gambling), probability, and a completely unreliable answer if it's about else.
I am not responsible for any deaths, miscarriages or bluescreens that the answers may result in.
Apparently both.
Scottish expeditioners said which doesn't really answer the question apart from that it goes well with curry.
Remember that the same is true for everyone else too, so if they overadjust to this, you can steal their blinds more often than they steal yours.
Both live and online poker have the same game mechanics. Every aspect of both games can be modeled with mathematics - yes, even the probability of your opponent holding an Ace on the condition that he's making a monkey face is best approached with statistics on how often it has happened in the past in similar situations.
Online you will not see a face or hear a voice, but you see bet sizes, timing patterns and statistics of past hands just the same. The last one is more effective online than live for obvious reasons. Skilled opponents in all environments won't give you free and reliable information in these ways.
I actually did lose my head playing high stakes, but in a bit more subtle way than what you might see in movies.
The 50/50 strategy is based on the fact that any possible event either happens, or doesn't happen.
Why is it when I switched from a CRT 120hz 1024 x 800 to a 60hz 1920 x 1200 monitor my ability to get a headshot was significantly impared? I changed fov and matched my game resolution to my desktop.
Can you tell me wether the refreshrate of a monitor makes such an impact or is it purely a placebo?
This doesn't really point out the stupidity of the person, but I don't even want to help you with that. That's hardly constructive.
There are a couple of ways you can go faster than by powersliding. One is to powerslide onto a super turbo pad (e.g. all the pads on Turbo Track, the third pad from the start in N. Gin Labs, the pad at the big jump in Hot Air Skyway and a couple of others) and apply the boost right when you are on the pad. The pad will always give your cart the theoretical max speed, and by turbosliding once on the pad, the boost will last much longer.
After hitting the pad, do not jump or powerslide, only press accelerate and turn sideways to keep up the max speed. You will go almost as twice as fast as normally this way, but it won't last forever, it'll run out after some time.
Another way is to use a bug/trick called speed ghost. When going down a large hill, do a triple turboslide (that is, powerslide and take all the boosts you can from it) while driving down the slope. This will give your car the theoretical max speed for a while (like a super turbo pad would), only that you can extend the time you keep this boost by jumping repeatedly (don't turboslide). You'll lose the speed eventually, though, so when you notice you're slowing down, start powersliding again.
There's a third bug too, not sure what it's called. I personally call it permaturbo. You do it by powersliding around continuosly for a minute or two - you need some space to do this. After enough powersliding, the kart's speed variable will overflow (or this is what I assume happens, dunno if it's the real explanation), leaving you at the theoretical max speed forever. After you've gained this state, you don't need to turboslide any more and can just focus on driving as well as you can. This isn't very useful for anything else than driving fastest lap scores in Time Trial.
Why does it take someone coming round to force me to clean my place?
If I have more books than I do bookshelf space, should I buy less books, or a bigger bookcase? And what if I can only afford one or the other?
And finally; why does my wireless internet intermittently cut out? Why does my monitor seem to be affected by my TV? Why do I spellcheck everything I type? Why does people not using keyboard shortcuts and properly bookmarking things despite me teaching them irrationally anger me? Why is A Feast For Crows the worst book from A Song Of Ice & Fire books? Why do I own vinyl and yet no record player? Why did I break my keytboard? Why am I too cheap to buy a replacement? Why does a week without music send me mad? What would I do for love, if I won't do that? When is it my turn down the well?
Why did I ask these questions?
Cause you can.
please respond
Not going to happen unless you make unprofitable sacrifices only in order to achieve this arbitrary goal. Example: you are dealt AA in the first hand and an opponent goes all in. You call and he wins. The hand was played perfectly but you didn't make it to the final two anyway, and that's how it has to be in a game with an uncertain outcome (in short: gambling).