The well of answers

QuoteA stranger is being shown around a village that he has just become part of. He is shown a well and his guide says "On any day except Wednesday, you can shout any question down that well and you'll be told the answer."

The man seems pretty impressed, and so he shouts down: Why not on Wednesday? and the voice from in the well shouts back: Because on Wednesday, it’s your day in the well.

Ask anything, receive knowledgeable answer (perhaps with original research) if it's about ET, poker (or other gambling), probability, and a completely unreliable answer if it's about else.
I am not responsible for any deaths, miscarriages or bluescreens that the answers may result in.
is rolling on the ground in n64 zelda faster than running
I did it in the past all the time!
Yes, but running backwards is even faster than that.
Superslide or Crooked Cartridge teleport is fastest though.
no but jumping sideways is
Hello! How can I be as good a player as you? what you eat before games?
You must have the gamer mindset. I eat food before games, or I don't eat anything but drink coffee instead if the gaming happens in the morning.
Does penguin taste like a chicken or like a fish?
According to Fredrick Cook who was on an Antarctica expedition:
QuoteIf it's possible to imagine a piece of beef, odiferous cod fish and a canvas-backed duck roasted together in a pot, with blood and cod-liver oil for sauce, the illustration would be complete.

Apparently both.
Scottish expeditioners said
QuoteOnce the unusual taste of penguin meat had become familiar, it proved to be a great favourite: fried and stewed, or as a basis for soup and curry.
which doesn't really answer the question apart from that it goes well with curry.
I so want to eat some penguin :/
Mormonism itself doesn't attempt to explain magnetism, so Mormons who have any understanding of science and/or common sense probably get the troll science strips just fine, even those that include magnets.
what happens if you hold down f11?
On Windows XP and Firefox it alternates rapidly between displaying only the browser page on fullscreen and showing the task bar on the bottom and the page title bar on the top as well.
How to get normal network in poland?
I hope this is really been far to do more answers for you to even go want.
I should buy a birthday present for a 20yo girl who's a sports freak & studies psychology. Price around 0-30e. Any suggestions?
dildo heh LolZ
A pedometer. That's a device that counts your steps.
how do i shot web?
In Natural Selection, play as a Gorge, then to create a web you must fire at the two points that you want to connect with a web. Remember there is a length limit to the string.
In the 1989 game Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles for the NES, which turtle is the best and why??
Donatello because of the long stick. Rapha was shittiest.
But Donatello's weapon is the slowest + most horizontale attack which doesnt hit the low by the ground enemys right? TT
Depends on the situation. A speedrunner who cleared the game with no deaths in 25:28 uses mostly Donatello for the long reaching weapon and Michaelangelo for the fast attack in parts where the long reach isn't needed. He switches to the ranged attack characters only for very fast enemies or those who use projectile attacks themselves.
Why is the woman out of the kitchen?
Ahah good one :D
Waarom ruiken mijn voeten en loopt mijn neus?
Dat zijn symptomen van een verkoudheid.
« What are the 39 steps ? » (repetition)
An organisation of spies.
Who made god?
Don't fuck with my mind bro.
Depends on which god you mean. The ancient Greek gods were made by ancient Greeks, for example. The Flying Spaghetti monster was made by United States of America Bobby Henderson.
Fuck off, you're a shit well.
Exactly as I promised.
Quoteand a completely unreliable answer if it's about else.
which god you mean stupid nigger?
Is there a "good" way to tell a girl to lose weight?
buy her the most expensive dress in the wrong size
Damn. That's a good one.
kinda impressed myself too!
Only if she really has a problem and doesn't realize it, or if you know an efficient way of losing weight that she doesn't. Otherwise you're telling her nothing she doesn't already know and in her perspective just calling her a fatso.
How come most people on the cutoff for money places start playing super defensively? Is online poker best approached with statistical analysis, since facial recognition does not play a role, or would you say focussing on other people's betting patterns is what breaks you into the money? I remember you playing some high stakes poker games. What did you do to not lose your head in these situations? And to sign me off, how is the 50/50 strategy best employed? :P
Near any increase in prizes, and less noticeably so in all other stages of a tournament (except in a winner-take-all or in heads up) it is correct to avoid risks because losing your chips decreases your expected value in $ more than winning the same amount would increase it.
Remember that the same is true for everyone else too, so if they overadjust to this, you can steal their blinds more often than they steal yours.

Both live and online poker have the same game mechanics. Every aspect of both games can be modeled with mathematics - yes, even the probability of your opponent holding an Ace on the condition that he's making a monkey face is best approached with statistics on how often it has happened in the past in similar situations.

Online you will not see a face or hear a voice, but you see bet sizes, timing patterns and statistics of past hands just the same. The last one is more effective online than live for obvious reasons. Skilled opponents in all environments won't give you free and reliable information in these ways.

I actually did lose my head playing high stakes, but in a bit more subtle way than what you might see in movies.

The 50/50 strategy is based on the fact that any possible event either happens, or doesn't happen.
would love to hear more about stuff like that :) less fancy thou :P
Am I the best ventrilo DJ there is at the current moment?
The best I've met at least.
What weapon works the best vs tank zombies in dead island?? :O
nice i'll whip out my nightstick :D
ET Question.

Why is it when I switched from a CRT 120hz 1024 x 800 to a 60hz 1920 x 1200 monitor my ability to get a headshot was significantly impared? I changed fov and matched my game resolution to my desktop.

Can you tell me wether the refreshrate of a monitor makes such an impact or is it purely a placebo?
The low refresh rate may make movement seem choppy and laggy. Switch the refresh rate to 1Hz and you'll never even dream of a headshot.
I have heard that in ET it is recommended to use a lower field of view, as I have played RtCW for many years with 110 fov should I follow the advise or stick with me comfortable fov?
Field of view affects nothing but, duhh, field of view, so it's up to your preference how wide you want it to be. I use the maximum allowed, and I don't know on what basis the opposite counts as "recommended" instead of "preferred by someone".
does the pope actually shit in the woods?
Are bears Catholic?
hey you answer a question with a question :<
Means he has the ability to run for President of the United States
nice one xD
when will the earth die?
A common prediction (an astronomical one, not a prophecy) is that the Sun will become a red giant in around 5 billion years, since that's how it has gone with other similar stars. That would probably destroy the whole planet. That seems the only highly likely cause of armageddon coming up anytime soon.
adding to this... astrologically spoken, this is quite soon
Dono yo ni watashi wa sogeki ga tokui ni naru koto ga dekiru ?
i gotta go 1 week with school to an excursion, as it is a "beroepsproduct" (basicly means you HAVE to pass it to graduate) i HAVE to go to the excursion. problem is i dont wanna go, so whats a really good fake explanation to convince them
Say you don't want to do it. Then you will not have to do it and you will not graduate.
How should I politely yet quasi-insultingly tell creationist that they are stupid?
Come up with your own bullshit hypothesis about something that's as well understood as the theory of evolution. Because they're probably scientifically ignorant, take something really easy like "intelligent rainbows" and use the exact same arguments they do - "optics is only a theory" (ignoring what a theory actually means. They ignore it as well). This may backfire if they actually agree with your bullshit and insist that a deity actually does create the rainbow, but hey, that's going to be too funny to worry about.

This doesn't really point out the stupidity of the person, but I don't even want to help you with that. That's hardly constructive.
what is the 99 problems that aint a bitch?
According to my interpretation of the lyrics, the problems are with law enforcement.
on Crash Team Racing, why is it always faster to powerslide, even when on a straight?
you can get boost by doing powerslide.. lol
Hey, it actually isn't!

There are a couple of ways you can go faster than by powersliding. One is to powerslide onto a super turbo pad (e.g. all the pads on Turbo Track, the third pad from the start in N. Gin Labs, the pad at the big jump in Hot Air Skyway and a couple of others) and apply the boost right when you are on the pad. The pad will always give your cart the theoretical max speed, and by turbosliding once on the pad, the boost will last much longer.
After hitting the pad, do not jump or powerslide, only press accelerate and turn sideways to keep up the max speed. You will go almost as twice as fast as normally this way, but it won't last forever, it'll run out after some time.

Another way is to use a bug/trick called speed ghost. When going down a large hill, do a triple turboslide (that is, powerslide and take all the boosts you can from it) while driving down the slope. This will give your car the theoretical max speed for a while (like a super turbo pad would), only that you can extend the time you keep this boost by jumping repeatedly (don't turboslide). You'll lose the speed eventually, though, so when you notice you're slowing down, start powersliding again.

There's a third bug too, not sure what it's called. I personally call it permaturbo. You do it by powersliding around continuosly for a minute or two - you need some space to do this. After enough powersliding, the kart's speed variable will overflow (or this is what I assume happens, dunno if it's the real explanation), leaving you at the theoretical max speed forever. After you've gained this state, you don't need to turboslide any more and can just focus on driving as well as you can. This isn't very useful for anything else than driving fastest lap scores in Time Trial.
Is this going to be the longest journal ever made on crossfire ?
No, unless someone reads this answer and deliberately makes it false.
What do you do when you see an endangered animal that eats only endangered plants?
Ignore it. I have no obligation to protect any endangered species from their natural predators.
Why do you copypasta my journal?
Could I be arrested by the C.I.A or any other (American) agency in other countries (like Portugal) for something concearning them and their national security?
Wouldn't that create conflict between countries?
Why is it always raining in Belgium ?
If I had an interview for a promotion two weeks ago and haven't heard back yet, despite working daily alongside my interviewers, is it more than likely I've not got said promotion?

Why does it take someone coming round to force me to clean my place?

If I have more books than I do bookshelf space, should I buy less books, or a bigger bookcase? And what if I can only afford one or the other?

And finally; why does my wireless internet intermittently cut out? Why does my monitor seem to be affected by my TV? Why do I spellcheck everything I type? Why does people not using keyboard shortcuts and properly bookmarking things despite me teaching them irrationally anger me? Why is A Feast For Crows the worst book from A Song Of Ice & Fire books? Why do I own vinyl and yet no record player? Why did I break my keytboard? Why am I too cheap to buy a replacement? Why does a week without music send me mad? What would I do for love, if I won't do that? When is it my turn down the well?

Why did I ask these questions?
Last one:

Cause you can.
how do you play poker in live tournaments(m8s etc) agressive, passive? i wish to make it to the final two at least every time for some profit.
please respond
Depends on the opponents of course. If an aggressive style exploits the weaknesses of the opponent, pretty much meaning they fold too much, then that's the way to go, and the other way around. Remember that because chips lost are worth a bit more than chips won (example: you get a million times the chips in an 1€ tournament. Your expectation is not 1000000€ because the winner only gets 10€, so multiplying your stack by a million only multiplied your value by ~10. Losing the stack however however means your value is now 0€), you should generally aim at playing smaller pots than in a cash game - the easiest way is to use the smallest sensible bet sizes whenever it makes sense.

Quotei wish to make it to the final two at least every time

Not going to happen unless you make unprofitable sacrifices only in order to achieve this arbitrary goal. Example: you are dealt AA in the first hand and an opponent goes all in. You call and he wins. The hand was played perfectly but you didn't make it to the final two anyway, and that's how it has to be in a game with an uncertain outcome (in short: gambling).
Pretty impressive :D. What's your source of informations? :P
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