Fox news strikes again

Oh lord, that has to be fake...
Actually makes me slightly angry.
Well, dunno, the nuclear plant point did make sense. I mean, nuclear power indeed is one of, if not the most enviroment-friendly form of energy production out there. Windmills, for instance, look ugly, are inefficient, and because you need tons of them, the production probably pollutes more than the enviroment friendly energy production is worth.

The other points were a bit redundant, though. This still is by far not the worst Fox has to offer.
I agree with your inspired and well-informed rebuttal and that's why we should just turn Finland into a huge windmill park for (at least) the rest of Scandinavia and utilize it for the storage of nuclear waste. It's like hitting two birds with one stone and we wouldn't really lose anything of value anyway.
It's not windy enough in Finland. We do have a solid and old bedrock, though, and little to no mining industry, so it could well be used for nuclear waste storage. Nuclear plants, too, since we don't have any natural disasters that could cause them to go haywire.

Unless, of course, you were being sarcastic, in which case you might be misinformed.
only thing I can say to this is.. POWNED
Oh you 3rd world fool. In Finland we get electricity from the image: Pistorasia-Jussi-1-osainen-maadoitettu-jousiliittimin-20EUJK-20EUJKS-212-2506431 that can be found everywhere.
They probably sort that out before placing a windmill. They only place them in area's where the calculated gain is more than the environmental pollution caused by the production.
If there is such an area.

It's also worth noting that windmills cannot ever fully replace other means of producing energy, unless someone comes up with kick-ass battery technology, making it possible to produce cheap batteries that are capable of storing absolutely ridicilous amounts of energy for indefinite times with minimum power lost.

This because windmills don't produce a constant stream of power - there will be too much energy produced when it storms, and not enough energy produced when it's calm.
it's actually good that they don't produce a constant stream of power
You prefer to have AC voltage cause it can be transferred more easily by using transformators who can step up/down the voltage. With DC that shit is harder & less efficient
I didn't mean that, I meant that they only produce energy at all when it's windy. And it's not constantly windy in most places.
I believe they have a system that let's other energy sources replace the windmills whenever its not windy enough. Since the annual production of energy trough windmills is more or less stable it can be relied on to some extent.
Yeah they probably do, but my point was that you always need other sources of energy in addition to wind power, for exactly that reason.
have you ever watched a documentary or anything on how a wind mill farm works?
uranium has a half life of 700 million years :P

the cost of storing it is fucking absurd :P
Depends on the isotope, I guess. The isotope produced by Thorium generators, Uranium 232, has a half-life of 68.9 years. The "natural" Uranium, Uranium 238, has a half-life of like 4.5 billion years, which is pretty long. Then again, it's not too radioactive either.
"which is pretty long"

Theres normally a lot of fails around this time of the year..
Fow new strikes again your mother.

fucking americans.
what is the first shooter they are showing?
is it black ops? i'm just interested because of it's night in that game
Most likely Modern Warfare (:
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