pb ftw

I need some help.
I had reINSTALLed the et yesterday, i played normaly this ago, atm i wanna join to one server and i can play max 5mins and i got this message:
Wtf is this?
What can i do?
plz help
must be a kepfeltotles.
great image host u have!

but it doesnt work
how the hell someone prefers uploading a picture on site like that shit, instead of using lets say, imageshack for example?
pb sux hard..
today i have extreme lags (warping liek hell) and alot of wonderful freezelag.. cant play until pb is as normal as it can be :)
wow it only took about 5 minutes to see some jibberish on the topbar of my browser
Server Disconnect - has has been kicked via PunkBuster (0 minutes) ... General PB Client Authentication Failure - Reinstall PB if problem persists.
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