tornado update

well got som pics now...

image: dscf0302resizetx3

that grey shed flew over a 7ft brickwall...

image: dscf0311resizeek3

image: dscf0308resizenf8

no fences for 5 houses down
Auch. What place is/was that? :x
was the london tornado from like last week
my garden :P
hahaha :D
I laugh fucking hard looking on those pics :-D
Heard that 3 persons got owned and died, is it true?
you dont lol if a person dies
I lol'd from pics, read again.
oh, sry

but u still suck :)
are u oke dusty !!! <3
ofc daaarling <3 x

didnt even noticed that there was a tornado in london :x

gg climate change :|
There's always been the odd small tornado in the UK, the one in brum the other year was worst. Just that it happened in London so it's the start of the apocalypse, halt the press etc.

Like the shed :p
lol wen i saw it i was like... wasnt there a trampoline there and my neighbours like.. ye we lost it .. but we got a new shed instead XD
haha nature 1 ur garden 0
Hmm damn weak fences in the UK!
cg_showdamageingarden 0

:D hf @ cleaning..
nasty things those tornados, got them in Germany as well
good thing we only have volcanoes and earthquakes in iceland
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