SK Gaming & Intel unleashes new trailer

After the massive hits ‘Save the World’ and ‘SK strikes Back’ the brand new trailer is out and this time it's inspired by David Fincher’s ‘Fight Club’.

Director Christoph Keimel delivers an exciting and intoxicating film showcasing the pure sportsmanship and a highly professional attitude of the SK clan. Star feature is Christian "vilden" Lidström, the 21-year old game leader of the Counter Strike team.

Watch it (Quicktime needed)
Download it (640x320 - 7,8 mb)
whats wrong with my filter
quicktime needed, why the fuck, apple shit suxz, i got it outlawed on my computer!!1
yep quicktime sux, so you'll prolly like this

and btw this is noice too...
didnt really know what to think of it tbh, rather corny and lol at times but nicely presented.
That is so very shit.
had to lol
i dont see why this should be called a trailer
1. this is not a trailer... it's an add...

2. "gaming isn't about winning or loosing................... it's about respect" - plz...
typical SK :)
ahhahahah xd
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