Windows 7 and Ubuntu

I've got Windows Seven running on my computer but I always wanted a Linux distribution, so I finally decided to install Ubuntu but I'm not quite sure since windows and linux are not even compatible on the same computer.

I thought about making 2 partition, is that possible? I've never installed 2 operating systems on one computer.

Help is appreciated,
haters gonna hate.

Thanks in advance.
2 partitions one win32 & the other one linux,
try to take the latest version of ubuntu, usually ubuntu sends u for free its latest.

this is not incompatible with win7, just read a lot before doing shit

use google for help it's full of infos
thanks for the help, i'll just go for it and try it:)
dont get the latest version, its still the beta-ish one, plenty of things not compatible/working with it.
get the 10.04 lts (long term support) one instead
damn it didnt work for some reason..
u dont actually need a different partition for it, ive got my win7 and ubuntu on the same, both folders in C: root =P

i think installed mine via an usb stick and booted/installed from that
lol inb4 massive format when corrupted files etc

#1 rule : never have sex between linux and win

#2 rule: work permanently with root privilegs under linux
QuotePosted by update on Monday 12th September 2011, 22:38

QuotePosted by update


image: man_smash_pc
well i think i wont make it without good instructions since i dont know shit about operating systems
just saying your nickname is pretty fucking stupid

cant help you with systems, I dont know shit about computers
why the hate?
im not hating, Im saying your nickname is stupid.

you think nicknames "DOWNLOAD TIME", "TRANSFER" and "DL_SPEED" would be any cooler in my opinion? no.
what about upload or overload or 8bits?
all stupid imo :|
well, i accept your opinion.
your nick is cool.
host on a virtual machine :/ its easy shit
good idea, thank you :)
"since windows and linux are not even compatible on the same computer"

say what?
Partitioning a drive can be quite a head fuck especially if something goes wrong which has happened quite a few times with win/linux on one.

Have you even used linux before?
pop in the linux cd, boot from cd, during the instalation wizard just point it to a different partition, or make a new one and install it on there.

i believe ubuntu comes with grub2, so you'll be fine.
it will have its own bootmanager, where you can choose between booting windows and linux.

i used to run xp/kubuntu on separate partitions, just running linux now though.
Installing Ubuntu and Windows on same HD is not a very good idea. Ubuntu uses totally different system so installing two OS will mixup things a lot. Try takeing to another HD. I use Ubuntu on my laptop and I wanted to do the same as you. Realizing that it is not very good option I installed just Ubuntu.

If you want just to try Ubuntu do it! It is a great OS. Remember that most of the software for Ubuntu or not as great as thous on Windows and games really do not work on Ubuntu.
i dont see how it would mix anything up if the hard drive is correctly partioned and you dont do anything stupid
No.. it wont. Dual boot works perfectly fine as long as you the HDD properly partitioned. I have CentOS and Win7 running on this machine, right now. Ubuntu and Win7 on my laptop... I've used Debian and Fedora as well and out of all of those, any of the Debian based distros (Ubuntu, Kubuntu, Xubuntu) are the easiest to get working. In fact, you have to do absolutely nothing - thanks to Wubi.
nothing will happen.

you just have to know how to make the right partions
Yes, separate partitions, or use WUBI (MUCH easier)
thanks for the advice :)
Try it with virtualbox or vmware, you can't do anything wrong than. More easy for somebody who doesn't know anything yet about Ubuntu.
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